Derived configurations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gil Alsberg, Mar 14, 2007.

  1. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Hi everyone,
    I'm looking for a detailed explanation for the subject of derived
    configurations, besides the one that appears in the solidworks
    documentation. Can somebody in this NG point me to any WEB page which
    contains detailed info with actual examples and maybe also example files
    that i can download and see? I find the SW documentation on this subject
    unsufficiant, so this could help me a lot.

    Gil Alsberg, Mar 14, 2007
  2. Gil Alsberg

    TOP Guest

    Or you could just ask here.
    TOP, Mar 14, 2007
  3. Gil Alsberg

    Gil.Alsberg Guest

    well........the problem is that i don't understand exactly what the
    difference is between a derived configuration to a normal one besides
    that the documentation says clearly that all changes to parent
    configuration will propagate to child configuration. but what does
    this mean? if i make a change to parent config it propagates to child
    config and vice versa! but my logic says that only a parent config can
    change his child config and that the opposite can't happen. so if try
    to change a feature which were defined in the parent config, within
    the child config, solidworks should stop me and prevent that kind of

    To make thing short..........i'm just confused! i dont understad what
    is exactly hapening and why thi happens and somthing else.

    Gil.Alsberg, Mar 14, 2007
  4. Gil Alsberg

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Individual parameters in the derived configurations can have the link to
    the parent configuration severed. If a parameter is set to "this
    configuration" it will not update or be updated the parent configuration.
    If the parameter is set to "link to parent configuration" then changes will
    be propagated.

    This is handy for when you have two closely related configurations with
    minor differences. For example, I have a simplified assembly config with
    fasteners suppressed. I have an inspection configuration which is dirived
    fro mteh simplified configuration. In addition to al lthe fasteners being
    suppressed, other components are suppressed to further simplify the drawing
    views for inspection. So, when new fasteners are added, I only suppress
    them in one config, and the dirived config gets the changes also.
    Dale Dunn, Mar 14, 2007
  5. Gil Alsberg

    Gil.Alsberg Guest

    Dale, i'm sorry, but i feel realy stupid asking this: i've tried to
    use derived configs myself, and when i change a dimension in a child
    config's feature, then the change propagates to its parent! i thought
    it supposed to happen only when the change comes from the other
    direction (from the parent config to the child config - one way path
    of update!) . i'm surely missing here something fundemental or else i
    don't know what......
    Gil.Alsberg, Mar 14, 2007
  6. Gil Alsberg

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Dale, i'm sorry, but i feel realy stupid asking this: i've tried to
    When you change the dimension, make sure it is set to "this configuration"
    (or "specify configuration"). I don't alway get it right myself. I don't
    use it often enough.
    Dale Dunn, Mar 14, 2007
  7. Gil Alsberg

    Bo Guest

    Dale, I must say that my attempted use of Derived Configs confused me
    when I tried it several times, got unexpected results and then just
    avoided Derived Configs, because I didn't have time to delve into the

    Bo, Mar 14, 2007
  8. Gil Alsberg

    Gil.Alsberg Guest

    O.K. Bo, thanks for confirming this. so i it turns out that it's not
    just me banging my head against the wall :)
    Gil.Alsberg, Mar 14, 2007
  9. I'm confused. I just tried a simple part file where I created a default
    config, and then a derived config under that. If I change a dimension while
    in the derived config and say to change that config only, then that's what
    it does. If I say to change all configs, then it does. If I go to the
    parent (default) config and make a change to that config, then it changes
    that one as well as the derived one.

    Everything seems to working properly. Did I miss something? SW2007 SP3.0

    Wayne Tiffany, Mar 14, 2007
  10. Gil Alsberg

    Jason Guest

    Same thing here....derived configs work pretty much as expected. The
    only thing is it can get quite complex to manage all the differences
    if you have lots of configs. A design table makes it easier and it
    supports derived configs.
    Jason, Mar 15, 2007
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