Delta-X and Delta-Y in InstanceForm

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by venki.balla, Jun 9, 2009.

  1. venki.balla

    venki.balla Guest

    Hi All,
    I am trying to write a skill code for an instance with
    desired libName, CellName, Viewname,rows, columns, Delta-X and Delta-
    Y. I have wrote like this,
    procedure( desiredinst()
    envSetVal("layout" "instLibName" 'string "Standard")
    envSetVal("layout" "instCellName" 'string "AND")
    envSetVal("layout" "instViewName" 'string "layout")
    envSetVal("layout" "instRows" 'int 1)
    envSetVal("layout" "instColumns" 'int 3)
    envSetVal("layout" "instDelX" 'float 3.0)
    envSetVal("layout" "instDelY" 'float 6.3)

    hiSetBindKey("Layout" "Alt<Key>i" "desiredinst()")

    With the above procedure , I am getting the instance Form
    fields with desired libName, CellName, View Name, Rows, Columns
    only. But "instDelX "(Delta X) "instDelY" (Delta Y) values are not
    with desired values and having with default values.
    1) How can i change the Delta-X and Delta-Y fields in
    instanceForm using skill code.
    2) Why the above "instDelX" and "instDelY" variables are not
    reflecting in InstanceForm Field.

    Help me Please,
    Thank You.
    venki.balla, Jun 9, 2009
  2. Which version are you using? It seems to be working for me...
    Ah, that may be because Standard/AND/layout doesn't exist. Otherwise I think it
    gets auto-populated by the width and height of the cell.

    Andrew Beckett, Jun 23, 2009
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