Anyone with some firsthand experience of M65 vs M90 for solidworks and cosmos?
The only significant difference between the two is the graphics capability. The M90 has a 17" screen vs the 15.4" of the M65. The M90 has better graphics card option as well. The M90 does offer one processor option which the M65 doesn't. For Cosmos ( cosmosworks) the processor choice and memory would be more important. I just ordered an M90 with 4G memory and the 1.83GHz chip. Will be running windows XP x64 to fully utilize memory. I am presently running x64 on a Sun W2100Z with 8G memory. Have had no problems with solidworks and cosmosworks. I have recently migrated to SW2007 and Cosmosworks 2007 ( x64 versions) again with no problems. We'll see on the M90