Dell M65 vs. M90

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Mark, Oct 4, 2006.

  1. Mark

    Mark Guest

    Anyone with some firsthand experience of M65 vs M90 for solidworks and
    Mark, Oct 4, 2006
  2. The only significant difference between the two is the graphics
    capability. The M90 has a 17" screen vs the 15.4" of the M65.
    The M90 has better graphics card option as well. The M90 does offer one
    processor option which the M65 doesn't.

    For Cosmos ( cosmosworks) the processor choice and memory would be more
    important. I just ordered an M90 with 4G memory and the 1.83GHz chip.
    Will be running windows XP x64 to fully utilize memory. I am
    presently running x64 on a Sun W2100Z with 8G memory. Have had no
    problems with solidworks and cosmosworks. I have recently migrated to
    SW2007 and Cosmosworks 2007 ( x64 versions) again with no problems.

    We'll see on the M90
    Ray Mandeville, Oct 4, 2006
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