Dell Laptop Fiasco

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cdubea, May 22, 2005.

  1. cdubea

    cdubea Guest

    A week or so ago I was perusing the refurb section at when I
    came across a Latitude D800 advertised with a gig of memory, 60 gig
    7200 rpm drive and a Quadro FX Go 700.

    It was listed for $1,689 and that day Dell was offering a $200 off
    coupon. I've been looking for a laptop to replace my ancient HP
    pavilion, and while not a M70, this seemed like a good deal for my
    casual SolidWorking activities.

    I place the order. The thing shows up and no Quaddro. It has an
    Nvidia GeForceFX GO 5650 (which is the core for the Quaddro).

    Calling Dell (3+ hours, 11+ people spoken with) results in being told,
    send it back and we will give you a a refund. We will not supply what
    we accepted an order for! Also I lose the $200 discount. No offer of
    a future discount, nothing. All I get is we can't do anything about

    I'm really hacked because it's not a bad machine. I've been reading
    about the soft-Quaddro hack, and this seems plausible, but I paid for a
    Quaddro, I shouldn't have to do this.

    Whats the opinion out there, keep it or return it?


    cdubea, May 22, 2005
  2. cdubea

    Cliff Guest

    Find where Dell's main office is & file a BBB complaint
    there <G>.

    Meanwhile, don't return it or pay for it. Their error to fix
    at their cost.
    Cliff, May 22, 2005
  3. Chris,

    I don't think Dell puts the Quadro in anything "but" the M70-60-50


    Mark Mossberg, May 22, 2005
  4. cdubea

    TOP Guest

    My son recently ran into something similar with TigerDirect, but it
    wasn't for a laptop. The whole deal was like bait and switch. He ended
    up paying ten dollars more to get something that would run; this was
    the pragmatic solution.

    Hopefully you kept copies and notes of everything.
    TOP, May 22, 2005
  5. cdubea

    cdubea Guest

    They did for a brief time put the FX GO700 in the D800. I did some
    research and have seen a couple of people (gamers) who wanted to
    "upgrade" them to a ATI radeon!

    cdubea, May 22, 2005
  6. cdubea

    cdubea Guest

    I've got copious notes. Doing some research indicates Dell's consumer
    care is woefully inadequate. I've sent multiple e-mails to the two
    "managers" I got to speak with and have gotten no response.

    I filled a complaint with the BBB in Texas, but I don't think that will
    make a difference. All Dell has to do is say that they are willing to
    refund my money and the compalint is marked as resolved. The BBB is a

    I packaged it up and it's going back.

    cdubea, May 22, 2005
  7. cdubea

    Cliff Guest

    I got action at AOL ..... briefly.
    Cliff, May 22, 2005
  8. cdubea

    Bo Guest

    I would want to go with the Dell M70 anyway or a used M60.

    I have used an M60 for the last year, and can say I love it, and figure
    I am due to trade up to a M70 (or M80/next gen. if it comes out) this
    year. Might even sell my M60 to make it less costly.

    No matter what, be sure to get the extra for a 3 year "Complete Care"
    warranty. A single glitch will pay you back the $300 you fork out for
    extra coverage, and they have always done it in less than 24 hrs. I
    was impressed.

    Bo, May 22, 2005
  9. cdubea

    Deri Jones Guest

    The softquadro hack seems a bit tempermental with the Dell laptops - I
    have a Latitude C840 with the Geforce 440go (basically a M50 witohut the
    quadro card) and tried soft quadro'ing it (with a lot of help from
    people on this site). The problem with the 440go card seemed to be the
    number of windows opened and closed - basically I'd have to restart SW
    every 3/4 hour or so on a medium complexity assembly, otherwise the
    video refresh would go really slow and it would eventually crash, up
    until then it worked fine. Soft quadro'ing it seemed to solve that
    problem, but it would randomly freeze and crash without warning, with no
    indication of what the problem was. Note that this was all about 18
    months ago, with SW2004, but might be of use - the Dell video drivers
    seem slightly different to the standard Nvidia drivers (I tried all sorts!)
    Sorry to hear about the crap responce from DEll, but I think you did the
    right thing - adding any ingredient that causes Solidworks to crash more
    frequently will only result in stress!
    Deri Jones, May 22, 2005
  10. cdubea

    Chris Dubea Guest

    Thanks for the confirmation. I'll keep my eye out to see if I can
    find a reasonably priced M60/70.

    Chris Dubea, May 23, 2005
  11. cdubea

    daniel Guest

    Somehow I am not surprised. Although I have a Dell, and am happy with
    it, the process of purchasing it was like playing a shell game. Each
    offer they sent (dealing with their small business sales group) had a
    different configuration that what I asked for. Each time I would call
    or email, we would review each item, agree on it, and then they would
    send me a new offer - each time something else would change. They
    claimed this was because their order system did not allow them to
    update the original offers, only create new ones... so basically they
    they were sloppy. My opinion is that they were doing anything possible
    to sneak and swap something out for each item they agreed to give me.
    It really was an annoying process which went through about 9 offers
    until I told them I was not giving them the order – at which point they
    sent me the correct offer. I was not impressed.
    daniel, May 23, 2005
  12. cdubea

    TOP Guest

    What will you do if, when you receive the laptop it is different from
    the order?
    TOP, May 23, 2005
  13. cdubea

    Bo Guest

    I have also contacted people @ Dell in the past regarding buying a
    hi-end laptop (Inspiron was the last one via phone). What became very
    apparent is that I was dealing with a salesman (located in god knows
    where) who really knew less than I did.

    Since then, I just order with their website ordering system, and
    everything just hummms right along and I never had a problem. But I
    was never trying to tweedle the price down. I was just trying to get a
    terrific laptop quick.

    Bo, May 23, 2005
  14. cdubea

    cdubea Guest

    The problem is "Customer Care" is now located in Bangladore, India. I
    tried calling the Dell local number in Round Rock and I still got
    transferred to India.

    If you don't know a specific name in Round Rock, it's off to India you
    go to "solve" your problem.
    cdubea, May 23, 2005
  15. cdubea

    daniel Guest

    I normally do that, but I was told I might get better pricing if I
    called - which I thought seemed strange - normally I would expect the
    best price offer on the web (and I am not a large corporate customer).
    Anyway, I probably saved about 600 USD on my Precision workstation and
    got a better spec'd machine in the end. I was really shocked by the
    price difference. OK, it was December and they may have been trying to
    meet quota or something. Either way, I do not like that kind of price
    flexibility - makes me nervous that they are trying to scam you any way
    they can. That was why each time the right hand gave me the item I
    wanted, the left hand was behind the back taking another item away or
    downgrading it. Nasty little process.

    daniel, May 25, 2005
  16. cdubea

    Bo Guest

    That is probably why specialty PC makers can make a good living.
    Sager, Alienware, & Boxx seem to make hi-end laptops that are well

    Given that I spend more on SolidWorks "maintenance" fees on average
    each year than I do on computer to run SolidWorks, I think it is time
    for me to start negotiating with my VAR for an upgrade only once every
    2 years.

    I really do not know whether I will ever load up SWks 2005 for full
    time use, so I paid near $2000 US in December 2004 for something that
    is virtually vaporware for me. Now that p......s me off. I could have
    taken a nice vacation on $2000, or bought a stand-alone add-on for

    Bo, May 25, 2005
  17. cdubea

    daniel Guest

    funny, I just read an article the other day on exactly that comparison:
    Really? I have very good luck with it. But I am waiting to see if 2006
    will be stable and improved.... you know the story.
    Yes, I feel this pain too. In fact, I have two licences and wanted to
    kill one, but was blocked because it was past the cancellation period -
    hence i could of had 4000 for a very nice vacation (or new flatscreen!)

    daniel, May 25, 2005
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