Deleting Trailing Zeros in Dims

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Poseidon, Mar 6, 2005.

  1. Poseidon

    Poseidon Guest

    I have been using Pro/E for about 12years, so I'm not exactly a newbie.
    That being said, I need some help. I usually work in English units, but one
    of my customers wants his drawings dual dimensioned with mm as primary. I
    constructed the models in mm. The problem is that when I show the dimensions
    in the drawing, all of the trailing zeros are deleted (in the metric
    dimensions only). I go into the properties for those dimensions and ask it
    to show two decimal places, and it has no effect (I have tried it as a
    global change also w/ no effect). I have spent hours looking thru the
    Drawing Setup & the looking for some option that I might have set
    wrong, but have yet to find anything. I have been working in 2001 version,
    but have tried pulling it into Wildfire 2 with the same results.

    Does any one know what I am doing wrong. I'm pulling my hair out, and my
    customer is leaning on me hard to get these drawings finished. Thanks in

    Poseidon, Mar 6, 2005
  2. Poseidon

    Poseidon Guest

    Thank You....

    Once I knew which parameter needed to be changed, I figured it right out.

    I understand what you are say about no trailing zeros in Y14.5. It just goes
    against my nature.
    The number of decmial places indicates a level of accuracy in my mind.
    Poseidon, Mar 7, 2005
  3. Poseidon

    dakeb Guest

    We tolerance each dimension separately, default tolerances are not allowed.
    Trailing zero's are not necessary.
    dakeb, Mar 7, 2005
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