Deleting Layers Silently

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Scott, Dec 22, 2003.

  1. Scott

    Scott Guest


    My lisp routine creates a layer, using the "Make" option of the -layer
    command. After I am finished with this new temporary layer I want to delete
    it. Currently my routine uses purge to remove the temporary layer created
    by the routine. My question is, how do I stop the following:

    1 layer deleted.
    Unknown command "LATERAL". Press F1 for help.

    This is the output from the command line, is there a way to stop AutoCAD
    from returning Deleting layer "FITTING TEMP" 1 layer deleted on the command
    line? Also what is with the Unknown command "LATERAL". Press F1 for help?
    Before I had my routine create this temporary layer I would not get the
    unknown command bit, so I am assuming it is something in the switch the
    layers back on routine? Do I have an extra return in there somewhere? The
    routine works by having the user enter some values, and then another routine
    is called, the one which actually draws the fitting. Inside the fitting
    routine I "link" to another routine which creates the temporary layer and
    turns off all the layers (except the temporary one) in the drawing. I then
    switch back to the fitting routine, draw the fitting, and finally I use
    another routine to delete the temporary layer, and turn all the other layers
    in the drawing back on.

    (defun createtemp ()
    (setq prevlayer (getvar "clayer"))
    (command ".layer" "m" "FITTING TEMP" "c" 60 "" "")

    ;**** turning all layers but FITTING TEMP off ****;

    (command ".layer" "off" "*" "" "")

    (defun killtemp ()
    (command ".layer" "s" prevlayer "")
    (command ".purge" "la" "FITTING TEMP" "n")
    (command ".layer" "on" "*" "" "")


    Scott, Dec 22, 2003
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