Deleting Layers in ACAD R12 (Mr Peabody sets the Wayback Machine for 1988...)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Matt Booth, Jul 22, 2004.

  1. Matt Booth

    Matt Booth Guest

    Are there any Old-Timers out there with fond childhood memories of Release 12?

    Yeah......didn't think so. But any memories will help.

    I often use an ancient drawing template with zillions of preferences set
    just-so. ( If you remember R12, you remember rummaging through every little
    variable setting, trying to find that ONE that's driving you nuts - without
    DD-style dialogs - by trial and error!) As it happens, the only blemish on
    this template is an unfortunate number of unhelpful Layer Names. My query is
    straightforward: Is there a way to delete Layer Names from an existing drawing

    Seems like a very basic option for AutoDesk to leave out of DDLAYERS. Am I
    missing something here? It's getting tedious in the extreme to rename a layer,
    redefine the color, etc. - plus the existing layer names make a shambles of my
    standard layer-naming protocol. Any solution better than hand-copying *every*
    setting, creating a new template, then hand-entering *every* setting again is
    most humbly sought.

    I plan to purchase ACAD 200? in 6 to 7 months, so any great minds with good
    hearts who help me limp through 'til then will earn double karma points ;-{ )

    Matt Booth, Jul 22, 2004
  2. Matt Booth

    Tim S Guest

    Have you tried PURGE?
    Tim S, Jul 22, 2004
  3. Matt Booth

    bestafor Guest

    bestafor, Jul 22, 2004
  4. Matt Booth

    R. Wink Guest

    For what it's worth, get you template like you want it and put a line on every layer you want to keep. The use the "wblock"
    command and "wblock" the drawing to the same drawing name. Wblock removes everything that isn't used or is showing.
    Turn a layer off and it's gone, regardless of something that's on that layer.
    I wrote a script that inserts a block of lines on the layers I want, then uses a routine called "strip.lsp" that removes
    lines on top of lines, then "wblock" the drawing to a drawing of the same name. This removes everything that's not used and
    reduces that drawing to less than 1/2 the size.
    R. Wink
    R. Wink, Jul 22, 2004
  5. Try to find a lisp program called Dellayer.lsp.
    Kelvin Kundert, Jul 23, 2004
  6. Matt Booth

    Cadalot Guest

    There was a product called SuperPurge that would let you kill layers
    that AutoCAD would not. I can't recall where I saw it at the moment
    but I recall there was a trial version. Can anyone else point us in
    the direction of SuperPurge?

    Alan (Cadalot)
    Cadalot, Jul 23, 2004
  7. Matt Booth

    Cadalot Guest

    After a quick Google it apprears it was ManuSoft and the first version
    was for R13

    Alan (Cadalot)
    Cadalot, Jul 23, 2004
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