deleting layer filters

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by donnie, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. donnie

    donnie Guest

    i am using autocad 2004 and when i open the layer properties manager, i
    cannot see any of the drawing layers because of a layer filter that was
    set by a previous user. is there any way to delete layer filters?
    donnie, Nov 9, 2006
  2. donnie

    Jerry G Guest

    Assuming you are only dealing with the issue of a single layer filter:
    At the top left of the layer manager is the layer filter that is active,
    at that location is the name of the current layer filter. This name box
    can be selected and changed to show all layers. To delete the filter,
    directly to the right of this layer filter name isthe down arrow where
    you select from the list of layer filters, but just to the right of that
    is a box with 3 dots in it. clicking there will bring up the layer
    filter manager. In the layer filter manager there is a delete all
    button. This will remove all layer filters, but can be slow (I have seen
    it take 15 minutes on drawings received from outside consultants who
    deal with hundreds of other companies that each have layer filters in
    place, and any importing from a drawing acquires all layer filters in
    the source drawing) if there are a lot of filters. The saved drawing
    file size will shrink drastically if you save at this point
    If layer filters are a recurring problem, there are multiple solutions
    out there that are much quicker if you are using full-blown autocad and
    not LT. I suggest searching this group for layer filter in the topic. My
    personal preference is one called ecln which is a free download but
    you'll have to search through the messages for the download site since I
    don't remember where I found it, but it is really quite good.
    Jerry G, Nov 9, 2006
  3. donnie

    Caveman Guest

    This very simple filter works for me:

    ;;; Removes named layer filters
    ;;; Command line: (Purgefilters)
    (defun Purgefilters ()
    '(lambda ()
    (vla-Get-ActiveDocument (vlax-Get-Acad-Object))

    Save it ie. PURGEFILTERS.LSP and run. Remember to use the parentheses with
    the command.
    Caveman, Nov 9, 2006
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