Delete groups and contents

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by DRW1975, Feb 1, 2005.

  1. DRW1975

    DRW1975 Guest

    I am trying to delete a group (and the contents of that group) by selecting the reference handle of that group... is this possible?
    I would have thought this an easy task, but I can't seem to get it to work...

    DRW1975, Feb 1, 2005
  2. DRW1975

    DRW1975 Guest

    hmmm... I take it by the lack of response, there is no way to delete the contents of a group by selecting that particular group's handle...

    DRW1975, Feb 8, 2005
  3. How are you "selecting that particular group's handle..."?

    If groups are on, you can select all members of a group by selecting a
    member of that group. Then all you have to do is delete the objects in that
    selection set.

    contents of a group by selecting that particular group's handle...
    Allen Johnson, Feb 9, 2005
  4. DRW1975

    DRW1975 Guest

    I was making an ACADobject = thisDrawing.HandleToObject(HANDLE-of-GROUP-i-WANT-to-DELETE)
    then trying delete ACADobject... but this seems to only delete the group itself, not the contents of the group...

    I have managed to code my way around this, but it required two subroutines, some new global variables and a bunch of my time... but if you know a quicker way (there must be one), I will gladly delete what i've done to make it work.

    DRW1975, Feb 9, 2005
  5. DRW1975

    fantum Guest

    Dim ent As AcadEntity
    For Each ent In ACADobject
    Next ent
    fantum, Feb 9, 2005
  6. DRW1975

    DRW1975 Guest

    lordy lordy lordy...
    I've attached my code that i had to use for a laugh

    made the change - thanks fantum



    Sub RemoveExistingSupport(Node)
    Dim LookForHandle As String
    Dim TotalSups As Integer
    Dim FirstValue As Long: Dim LastValue As Long
    Dim AutoObj As AcadObject
    Dim TempSupRef() As String
    LookForHandle = VarCoords(Node, 2)
    TotalSups = Val(SupRef(0, 0))
    For I = 1 To TotalSups
    If LookForHandle = SupRef(I, 0) Then
    FirstValue = Val("&H" & SupRef(I, 1))
    LastValue = Val("&H" & SupRef(I, 2))
    For j = FirstValue To LastValue
    Set AutoObj = ThisDrawing.HandleToObject(Hex(j))
    Next j
    ReDim TempSupRef(TotalSups - 1, 2)
    For j = 0 To TotalSups - 1
    If j >= I Then
    For k = 0 To 2
    TempSupRef(j, k) = SupRef(j + 1, k)
    Next k
    For k = 0 To 2
    TempSupRef(j, k) = SupRef(j, k)
    Next k
    End If
    Next j
    ReDim SupRef(TotalSups - 1, 2)
    For j = 0 To TotalSups - 1
    For k = 0 To 2
    SupRef(j, k) = TempSupRef(j, k)
    Next k
    Next j
    SupRef(0, 0) = Str(Val(SupRef(0, 0) - 1))
    I = TotalSups ' to stop loop
    End If
    Next I
    VarCoords(Node, 2) = ""
    VarCoords(Node, 3) = 0
    End Sub

    Sub AddSupRef(GroupHandle, FirstHandle, LastHandle)
    Dim TempSupRef() As String
    Dim CountSup As Integer
    If SupRef(0, 0) = "" Or SupRef(0, 0) = " 0" Then
    ReDim SupRef(1, 2)
    SupRef(1, 0) = GroupHandle: SupRef(1, 1) = FirstHandle: SupRef(1, 2) = LastHandle
    SupRef(0, 0) = Str(Val(SupRef(0, 0)) + 1)
    CountSup = Val(SupRef(0, 0))
    ReDim TempSupRef(CountSup, 2)
    For I = 0 To CountSup
    For j = 0 To 2
    TempSupRef(I, j) = SupRef(I, j)
    Next j
    Next I
    ReDim SupRef(I, j)
    For I = 0 To CountSup
    For j = 0 To 2
    SupRef(I, j) = TempSupRef(I, j)
    Next j
    Next I
    SupRef(I, 0) = GroupHandle: SupRef(I, 1) = FirstHandle: SupRef(I, 2) = LastHandle
    SupRef(0, 0) = Str(CountSup + 1)
    End If
    End Sub
    ... and a bunch of other references
    DRW1975, Feb 9, 2005
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