delete figure of the pin, what else is needed for cleanup

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by layoutDesign, Jan 24, 2009.

  1. layoutDesign

    layoutDesign Guest

    In Virtuoso XL, through Skill, I am trying to automatically delete
    pins (shapes with connectivity) that are old and no longer valid. I
    delete the figure through skill script, but then the logical pin seems
    to remain, and perhaps the terminal. Can I programmatically also get
    rid of these? or do I have to instead to and update components and
    nets? Thanks for any insight.
    layoutDesign, Jan 24, 2009
  2. layoutDesign

    Riad KACED Guest


    When deleting the physical pins using a non-interactive skill, then
    the connectivity is left as is since it is not forbidden in the
    database to have terminals without a physical connection. If you want
    to clean-up your database using skill, then I would propose the
    following bit of skill:

    ; Catch the terminals without a physical pin
    hangingTerminals=setof(x cv~>terminals null(x~>pins))
    foreach(element hangingTerminals
    ; delete the hanging terminals

    Hope this helps,
    Riad KACED, Jan 26, 2009
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