Defpoints Layer

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mlv, Oct 27, 2006.

  1. mlv

    mlv Guest

    Funny old layer, Defpoints.

    I sometimes put drawing information that I don't want to print onto layer
    Defpoints (occasionally I have entities on layer Defpoints within a block).

    I have noticed in AutoCAD14 that if you turn off layer Defpoints, the
    entities remain on screen and can still be selected and edited, which seems

    If you freeze the layer Defpoints (in AutoCAD14), the entities still remain
    on screen, but cannot be selected or edited.

    To take the entities on layer Defpoints off screen (in AutoCAD14), layer 0
    has to be turned off or frozen.

    From AutoCAD 2002 on, the entities on layer Defpoints are removed from the
    screen when the Defpoints layer is switched off or frozen.

    I can't find much information on layer Defpoints in the AutoCAD manuals.

    Anyone care to explain exactly how the layer Defpoints works in AutoCAD14
    and later versions?

    mlv, Oct 27, 2006
  2. I would generally suggest not to put drawing entities onto the DEFPOINTS
    layer. This layer is used from AutoCAD itself for internal purpose(s)
    (Defpoints of dimensions). I would say "Hands off". Since ACAD 2000 you can
    give - if necessary - any layer(s) a "not plot" property.

    Jürgen Palme, Oct 27, 2006
  3. Seems to me you just did.
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 27, 2006
  4. mlv

    mlv Guest

    Close, was I?

    I thought I might have missed something deeply meaningful and significant.
    mlv, Oct 30, 2006
  5. mlv

    mlv Guest

    The block entities on the Defpoints layer are notes and information around
    the border of our company drawing sheets, put there to assist users in using
    the sheets correctly. There has never been a problem.
    True, but given the choice, I prefer to use a heavily customised version of
    AutoCAD14 for most 2D drawing work.

    I leave drooling over the latest AutoCAD release to the upgrade junkies :)
    mlv, Oct 30, 2006
  6. mlv

    Janice G Guest

    FWIW: I draw on the defpoints layer set to color "7" (white). This and
    layer "0" are the only layers with a white color. I change my work to
    the appropriate layers frequently and anything that's still a white
    color I know is on the wrong layer.

    If I'm drawing all supply ductwork or all power circuits then I do
    change to the correct layers before I draw, but drawing details I draw
    in defpoints and transfer the work later. (Not several days)

    Janice G, Oct 30, 2006
  7. Not that I can tell.
    Michael Bulatovich, Oct 30, 2006
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