defining user-waveforms and functions

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by svilen, Jan 29, 2008.

  1. svilen

    svilen Guest


    I recently had to make a transition from Mentor's Eldo to Analog
    artist for analog simulations. I used to work a lot in eldo with user-
    defined waveforms. The command there is .defwave <name> <expression> -
    basically you get the idea, one can define new waveforms from existing
    waveforms by putting them in some sort of an expression. This can be
    nested further to define waveforms based on already defined waveforms
    or mixing user-defined waveforms with waveforms coming directly from
    simulation like V and I.
    I was wondering is there such a possibility in analog artist? It being
    a widely used simulator I just can not imagine that there is nothing
    there for such a useful thing, so may be I just don't know it.
    So, I'll appreciate a lot any suggestions and they'll be also of great
    svilen, Jan 29, 2008
  2. svilen

    andrewb Guest

    That's what the ADE calculator is for. Or you can use OCEAN to create
    complex waveforms based on calculations.

    Perhaps I've not quite understood what you're trying to achieve?

    For signals within spectre simulation, you could use the "bsource"
    component, or Verilog-A.


    andrewb, Feb 6, 2008
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