Defining hidden lines in an assembly drawing view

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by SR, Dec 9, 2003.

  1. SR

    SR Guest

    How do change the hidden line status of individual parts in an
    assembly drawing? The only option I can find on the Drawing View
    dialog box is a global style option from - Hidden Line, Hidden Line
    Removed and Shaded, but what if I just want some parts shown with
    hidden lines. Also, is there anyway to change the linetype of
    individual parts in an assembly drawing view?
    SR, Dec 9, 2003
    Terry Rawkins, Dec 11, 2003
  3. SR

    Smiley Guest

    The solview and soldraw commands only work on some 3d object (ACIS
    solids) The only solution I know of that works on most objects is to
    plot to a DXB file. Then you import the file using the DXBIN command.
    What happens is that you are sending out to the file the same kinds of
    commands as would be sent to a pen plotter. Thus, curves become many
    little straight lines.

    You must set this up as a plotter in your plotter configurations.

    To get hidden lines, you must set the variable "obscuredltype" to 2,
    and then choose hide as an output option in the plot window. But,
    each dash of the line is a separate entity.

    This is the only way I can think of to allow the kind of editing you
    want on all AutoCAD object. You actually had additional options back
    on version 12. Autodesk really has let the 3d abilities of AutoCAD
    decline, perhaps to favor the Inventor program.

    Smiley, Dec 11, 2003
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