defining ellipses or parabolas using equations

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Asmodeus, Nov 27, 2005.

  1. Asmodeus

    Asmodeus Guest

    I have a requirement that needs me to input an ellipse and/or a
    parabola via a particular set of equations, is there any way to do
    this in solidworks? does solidworks allow the user to input geometric
    data via equation?

    Asmodeus, Nov 27, 2005
  2. Asmodeus

    John Layne Guest

    Do a search in the SolidWorks Help file for "equations" and "curves,
    through XYZ points". The later allows you to import data created in Excel.

    John Layne
    John Layne, Nov 27, 2005
  3. Asmodeus

    That70sTick Guest

    Yes. Since ellipses and parabolas are governed by simple equations.

    What form of ellipse and parabola equations are you trying to use?
    Ellipses are easy to govern by major and minor axes. Parabolas have
    control poits for focus and apex. Also, you can constrain an ellipse
    or parabola curve to be coincident with predefined points (with
    positions controlled by dmensions driven by equation).

    As for the generic equation control, SW can control any individual
    dimension by equation. SW is ow also capable of using
    constants/variables for use in other equations.
    That70sTick, Nov 27, 2005
  4. Asmodeus

    TOP Guest

    Why not use the equations for an ellipse to find the major and minor
    diameters and then adjust the dimensions. Plotting points to get built
    in geometry just doesn't make sense.
    TOP, Nov 28, 2005
  5. Asmodeus

    cadguru Guest

    I would add the data directly to the SW database using a simple VB
    interface, possibly even create an add-in if you do it enough.

    Check out the VB calls for parabola and ellipse, then create your VB
    equations in VB with the appropriate inputs. This would allow you to easily
    create exactly what you need without worrying about the subtleties of XYZ
    point splines.

    At a minimum I would do what That70sTick and TOP suggested.

    Use real geometry not splines when you can.

    cadguru, Nov 28, 2005
  6. Asmodeus

    Tin Man Guest

  7. Asmodeus

    That70sTick Guest

    A good bit of programming, but not always fit for drawing conics
    (parabolas, ellipses).

    Experiment: use eqcurve to draw a y = x^2 curve from x=0 to x=5 with
    intervals of 1.0 (6 points). In another sketch, overlay a parabola,
    match spline endpoints and put the focus on the line x=0 (= right
    plane). You will see that the spline points are in the right place,
    but the spline curve weaves back and forth across the parabola. Also,
    the slope of the spline at any given point is not correct (slope of
    y=x^2 parabola at point x: dy/dx = 2x).
    That70sTick, Nov 29, 2005
  8. Asmodeus

    matt Guest

    I wasn't going to post a link to my macro because I didn't think it was
    appropriate, but someone else did, so I'd better chime in.

    As always, there are appropriate ways and times to use tools, and it's
    not fair to just plug something in at random and say "see, it sucks" and
    leave it at that.

    Splines interpolate between points, and the macro gives you the option
    to set point density. A spline plotted by points will never be as
    accurate (particularly at the ends) as the real curve type itself, but
    the accuracy can be improved by increasing the point density and
    building it bigger than it needs to be.

    Still, I'd draw a regular elipse or parabola and use native SW equations
    or Excel to locate the axis points and/or center, like other people have
    already suggested.

    matt, Nov 29, 2005
  9. Asmodeus

    That70sTick Guest

    Defintiely not trying to slam Matt's program. I was 100% sincere when
    I said it was good work.
    That70sTick, Nov 29, 2005
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