DefaultSM-FLAT-PATTERN problem

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by js, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. js

    js Guest

    Has this happened to anyone:

    Create sheet metal part.
    Create a dimensioned drawing.
    Move a couple of holes.
    Make drawing from part + insert FLAT PATTERN from view pallet.

    The flat pattern that shows up in the drawing has the two holes in their
    old postions.

    Went back to part file, deleted configuration "DefaultSM-Flat-Pattern".
    Rebuilt part using Cntr+Q.
    Saved part.

    create part from drawing - select flat pattern again.
    drawing still uses flat pattern with holes in old locations.

    tried rebooting, repeated all steps - still have the deleted old flat

    js, Oct 1, 2008
  2. js

    That70sTick Guest

    The best way to deal with problems with mindless defaults is to not
    use them. Define your flat pattern config on your ownsome. Define a
    view for drafting or use "Relative to Model" view.
    That70sTick, Oct 1, 2008
  3. js

    js Guest

    Thanks for the answer. The default flat pattern config. shows up by
    itself on some parts (as it did on this one) and does not exist on other
    parts in the same project. I figure it must be created with a drawing
    is made of the part, but again, most other parts with drawings don't
    have this configuration. It's something I just don't understand about SW.
    js, Oct 1, 2008
  4. js

    Krister_L Guest

    Try doubleclicking the dimension for the holes in the part to see if
    it's set to "only this configuration"

    // Krister
    Krister_L, Oct 2, 2008
  5. js

    js Guest

    That did it. Because I had already deleted the flat pattern
    configuration and there were no other secondary configurations in the
    part, the dimension configuration selection box was not present in any
    of the dimension dialog boxes. Out of site, out of mind. By recreating
    the 'bad' flat pattern, the configuration option re-appeared with the
    dimension dialogs. After editing them per your letter, the flat pattern
    is now correct.
    Thank you for the information. It's now firmly embedded in my head -
    unless the margaritas wash it out again.
    js, Oct 2, 2008
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