defaults in my lisp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by sepult, Sep 15, 2004.

  1. sepult

    sepult Guest

    I am having a difficult time trying to understand the default option in a lisp.
    I have written a lisp that prompts the user for a block, or text. I would like the default to be text.

    I did not write a cond, just did it the easy way.
    Do I specify the default with (defun deflt)???

    here is the lower portion of the code:

    (initget "27 29 30 Dt")
    (if (setq ANS (getkword "\n27/29/30/Dt>: "))
    (if (= ANS "27")
    (command "._Insert" "M:/-ACAD/DFCM_SYM/N27" "r" "0" "_s" (getvar "UserR1"))
    (if (= ANS "29")
    (command "._Insert" "M:/-ACAD/DFCM_SYM/N29" "r" "0" "_s" (getvar "UserR1"))
    (if (= ANS "30")
    (command "._Insert" "M:/-ACAD/DFCM_SYM/N30" "r" "0" "_s" (getvar "UserR1"))
    (if (= ANS "Dt")
    (command "dtext" "r" "0" "")


    Can someone explain??
    sepult, Sep 15, 2004
  2. sepult

    T.Willey Guest

    You could do it this way.

    (initget "27 29 30 Dt")
    (setq ANS (getkword "\n27/29/30/<Dt>: "))
    (if (not ANS)
    (setq ANS "Dt")

    Then run the rest of you things after, and IMO I think a cond would be easier then what you have, and it might be a little bit faster.

    T.Willey, Sep 15, 2004
  3. sepult

    Paul Turvill Guest

    Sorry, but multiple nested (if ...) statements are simply *not* the "easy"

    (initget "27 29 30 Dt")
    (setq ans (getkword "\n27/29/30/Dt: "))
    ((= ans "27")(command "._Insert" "M:/-ACAD/DFCM_SYM/N27" "r" "0" "_s"
    (getvar "UserR1")))
    ((= ans "29")(command "._Insert" "M:/-ACAD/DFCM_SYM/N29" "r" "0" "_s"
    (getvar "UserR1")))
    ((= ans "30")(command "._Insert" "M:/-ACAD/DFCM_SYM/N30" "r" "0" "_s"
    (getvar "UserR1")))
    (T (command "_.dtext" "_r" "0" ""))

    This snippet will insert the appropriate block for responses 27, 29, and 30;
    it will default to the DTEXT command if the user presses D, Dt or just ENTER
    (null response).
    Paul Turvill, Sep 15, 2004
  4. sepult

    Tom Smith Guest

    (initget "27 29 30 Dt")
    I agree, and if the all the answers except Dt use like-named blocks, you
    could add:

    (setq prefix "M:/-ACAD/DFCM_SYM/N")
    (if (= ANS "Dt")
    (command "dtext" "r" "0" "")
    (command "._Insert" (strcat prefix ans) "r" "0" "_s" (getvar

    I don't like long series of nearly identical if's. Unless the routine can be
    broken down to an either/or situation as above, I'd also lean toward a cond.
    Tom Smith, Sep 15, 2004
  5. sepult

    sepult Guest

    That works!
    I never would have thought of that.
    I am new to this, so mostly it's trial and error, with the help of ; you know what I mean.
    I tried the cond, but I would keep getting errors, so i just continued what worked.

    Thanks for your help.
    sepult, Sep 15, 2004
  6. sepult

    sepult Guest

    Paul, I tried that cond, but my downfall was starting with
    (if(= ans "27")(command ".......
    Your code works great.
    Thanks so much for your help and speedy responses!!
    sepult, Sep 15, 2004
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