Default Template File Name for QNEW

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Lambertus Oosterveen, Aug 22, 2004.

  1. Is it possible to set the Default Template File Name for QNEW with VBA?
    We are using differenet templates for some departments and I would like to
    set this automatically in the acad.dvb file on each workstation during
    startup of AutoCAD.

    Lambertus Oosterveen, Aug 22, 2004
  2. ThisDrawing.Application.Preferences.Files.QNewTemplateFile

    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Aug 23, 2004
  3. Thanks!
    When you type it, after typing the dot, it's not shown in the list...
    Any idea how this is possible?

    Lambertus Oosterveen, Aug 23, 2004
  4. That's very interesting. I take it you did get it to work. It would seem to be an oversight/error of Autodesk that it is in the helpfile & does work but does not appear in the object browser hence no intellisence.
    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Aug 24, 2004
  5. I did a comparison of what is in the help file and what appears in the object browser.

    In Help under PreferencesFiles but do not appear in object browser:

    In Help under PreferencesOutput but do not appear in object browser:

    Appears in object browser under AcadPreferencesOutput and in help but not in help under PreferencesOutput:

    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Aug 24, 2004
  6. Lambertus,

    You could use a switch to auto load a template....No need for VBA to do
    it...Especially if there is a problem with the method...

    Highlight AutoCAD Icon on desktop...Right click

    Change target to reflect the dwt you want....

    "C:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2005\acad.exe" /t circle.dwt

    Would fire Autocad with circle.dwt as temp...Must be in search
    path or use explicit path..


    Paul Richardson, Aug 24, 2004
  7. That's no option!
    We have >50 AutoCAD stations and I want to set this in the shared acad.dvb
    (distributed to C: on each change).
    I have made a VBA module that check's every setting in Options and set it as
    our company standard, so if a user is changing a setting, the next time he
    starts AutoCAD it is reset to the standard.
    I think this is what every CAD manager wants. Autodesk has a job to do on
    this item: central management !

    And now with AutoCAD 2005 I am missing some new Options settings, see also
    Nathan's reply.
    Thanks Nathan, hope Autodesk is working on a patch to "repair" this.

    Lambertus Oosterveen, Aug 24, 2004
  8. That's no option!
    Technically is it exactally an option...Just one you don't want...

    Dim MyTemplate As IAcadPreferencesFiles2
    Set MyTemplate = AcadApplication.preferences.Files
    MyTemplate.QNewTemplateFile = "C:\Paul-01\Circle.dwt"

    This works fine for me...
    Paul Richardson, Aug 24, 2004
  9. our company standard, so if a user is changing a setting, the next time
    he' 50 men boreing...:)
    If you going to wait for AutoCAD to do your job might be a long wait. Seems
    like a CAD Manager job to me..Central templates files(maybe with a small
    embeded macro...if necessary.) that you control and roaming profiles... Or
    wait for AutoCAD to replace you.

    Also, If user is going to keep making the same changes and you keep
    resetting them...Lots of wasted time..Give them some control to meet their
    individual styles or take away the ability for them to make any changes...

    Paul Richardson, Aug 24, 2004
  10. I agree as I am doing the exact same thing even though I only have a small group. I use the ResetProfile method of the new PreferencesProfiles object in 2005 and then only set the options that I need different from the defaults.

    As Paul states the option does work (at least in 2005) even though it doesn't appear in the object browser.

    The most annoying thing I found left out is the HideSystemPrinters option as there isn't even a system variable for it so it has to be modified in the Registry.

    I am certainly hoping someone at Autodesk will make sure all options available in the dialog are available to VBA/ActiveX and visible in the Object Browser and that the help does match what is available.

    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Aug 25, 2004
  11. You're right Nathan!
    The HideSystemPrinter option was already missing from AutoCAD 2002, where we
    are still working with.
    Come on Autodesk, this is an option that lots of people want to
    enable/disable during the startup of AutoCAD.


    group. I use the ResetProfile method of the new PreferencesProfiles object
    in 2005 and then only set the options that I need different from the
    doesn't appear in the object browser.
    as there isn't even a system variable for it so it has to be modified in the
    available in the dialog are available to VBA/ActiveX and visible in the
    Object Browser and that the help does match what is available.
    Lambertus Oosterveen, Aug 26, 2004
  12. the only reference in your email was to 05...if you want us to guess,
    I guessed newest version....and also offered a solution just in case....

    I would use an email system to direct each employee to create a target on
    their desktops to my templates...and make it the only option they have to
    start a drawing...Different depts...different temp targets...
    Paul Richardson, Aug 26, 2004
  13. I just found out that the ResetProfile option does not reset all values to their defaults. Somehow my PickDrag option was set to true (default is false) and I couldn't work out what was going on.
    Regards - Nathan
    Nathan Taylor, Sep 6, 2004
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