Default Shaded With Edges - Can this be changed?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve, Sep 17, 2003.

  1. Steve

    Steve Guest

    Is there a way to change the fact that all parts/assemblies open up
    with their edges shown (Shaded with Edges)? I know that this is a
    template setting, but this bites for all parts or assemblies that have
    already been created.

    PS - hello again everybody. I have been lurking for the last year or
    Steve, Sep 17, 2003
  2. Steve

    Muggs Guest

    Yes Steve,

    Tools>Options>System Options>Disply/Selection>Edges displayed in shaded
    mode>check "No Edges"

    Muggs, Sep 17, 2003
  3. Actually, go to Tools/Options/System Options/Edges displayed in shaded mode
    and select "No Edges." I think this will do what you want.

    W T
    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 17, 2003
  4. this would be very easy to do. capture the solidworks event
    FileOpenNotify2 - SldWorks Event
    then use this api command
    Sean Phillips, Sep 17, 2003
  5. Steve

    Steve Guest

    I thought this was going to be a case of "I should have looked harder"
    but it's apparently not.

    I do not have the option you all described (Running SW2004).

    I do have an option for System Options\Display/Selection\Edge display
    in shaded with edges mode BUT I only have 2 choices - HLR and

    The thing that worries me is that the setting I'm trying to change is
    saved with the part or assembly. I'm afraid that I'm going to have to
    live with this until eventually I save this setting for each and every
    part that I ever open.

    Just a pain in the A$$, but it's not a really big deal.

    I could write a macro that would take care of this, but heck, it's
    just one button click.

    Steve, Sep 18, 2003
  6. Steve

    Muggs Guest

    Well, seeing that you didn't specify what version of SW you were talking
    about I assumed SW2003.

    SO... On the tool bar push the "Shaded" button, and then save a new part
    template, and that will do it. Now whenever you open a new part with that
    part template, you'll already be in shaded mode.

    Muggs, Sep 18, 2003
  7. Steve

    Joel Moore Guest

    (Steve) wrote in
    I don't think it's saved with the template. My system (2001Plus) displays
    edges or not depending on the current setting whenever I open a part.

    Is there a check mark next to View-->Display-->HLR Edges in Shaded Mode in
    the menus? I don't know why you wouldn't see it in the System settings

    Joel Moore
    Joel Moore, Sep 18, 2003
  8. Steve

    Joel Moore Guest

    How does that help? He's trying to turn off edge display in shaded mode,
    not figure out how to have new parts default to shaded mode.
    Joel Moore, Sep 18, 2003
  9. Steve

    Muggs Guest

    My mistake, sorry.


    Muggs, Sep 19, 2003
  10. did i not answer this question.

    Sean Phillips, Sep 20, 2003
  11. Steve,

    I'm also having this problem with SW2004.... it's a real pain in the butt
    and despite searching through EVERY darn menu in SW, I can't seem to find
    what we're looking for.... hopefully SP1.0 addresses this or else I'm going
    back to 2003...not only is it annoying but it's also a LOT hungrier on the
    graphics too to superimpose all of those extra displayed edges onto the

    George Maddever, Nov 2, 2003
  12. Steve

    MM Guest


    What they did was change the meaning of the icon (rect. with edges = shaded
    2003<, shaded with edges 2004). All of your parts are referancing the same
    internal command, it just does something different in 2004. You can change
    each model and save it, but I agree, it's a major PITA. It can take hours to
    change all the parts in an assembly. Who's going to pay for it ??

    Out of eight SW users here, only one likes to work with edges on.

    If their using the big time Nvidia FX boards, at SW, they probably didn't
    notice much.


    MM, Nov 3, 2003
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