decrypt of skill

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Jan Mikkelsen, Dec 1, 2003.

  1. Hi

    I have a PCell skill file from a foundry and loading this goes nicely. The
    only problem is that the file is a piece of crap and as such it is full of
    errors. I want to make corrections to the file and have tried to decrypt it
    using the file. I know that the file works as I can encrypt and
    decrypt my own skill code and that still works. But when I try to decrypt
    the foundry code I get errors when trying to load the decrypted file .. The
    decrypted file starts of by

    ((NWELL = 3)) ..

    I realise that this is not a correct start line .. but what went wrong is
    what I wonder .. because the file looks nice and all ??

    Jan Mikkelsen, Dec 1, 2003
  2. Well, it depends how you decrypted it (and I'm not going to go into that here,
    and I'd prefer it if you didn't) - but it might be something to do with how you
    did that, or it may be wrong in the original code.

    Having multiple sets of matched parentheses in SKILL code is going to cause
    trouble - it confuses the parser (mainly because of the flexible way it handles
    C-like and LISP syntaxes). If the line was:




    all would be OK, but with two sets of parentheses it will get confused.

    Andrew Beckett, Dec 1, 2003
  3. Hi Andrew

    I came to that conclusion my self also .. but thanks.
    And dont worry .. I'll leave it at this.

    Jan Mikkelsen, Dec 2, 2003
  4. Jan Mikkelsen

    fogh Guest


    once fixed, it looks like this for me:

    (pprint (car line) out) (fprintf out "\n" )
    fogh, Dec 3, 2003
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