
Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Sygenics, Oct 24, 2004.

  1. Sygenics

    Sygenics Guest


    I'm having some problems using decals, where I need the background to
    be transparent. I have a chrome panel and want to add a decal to
    simulate the silkscreen process adding text and logo's etc. It all
    works fine when using the full picture, but when I specify the
    background colour as transparent, I get a fringing effects around the

    I am using a two colour bmp (black and white) and specifying the white
    as transparent. I get white fringing around the edges of the text
    which looks horrible! I have tried a full colour bmp with the same
    results. I can't leave the background intact, because it is a chrome

    Can someone PLEASE help me out?


    Sygenics, Oct 24, 2004
  2. This is a common problem and known bug with PW decals. The best method I
    have found is to create your own masking file to remove the background.
    When you create the mask shrink or enlarge the size by a pixel or two so it
    overlaps your image just a bit. When you insert the decal in PW you have
    the option to use a mask from a file. This doesn't work 100% but I usually
    have acceptable results. You could also change your background to a chrome
    type color and use the mask trick I just mentioned. May give better
    results. SW really needs to address this issue!
    Rob Rodriguez, Oct 24, 2004
  3. As with most things in SWx, it is best to think of the 'real world' process
    and try to mimic that.
    Decals in the real world do not, in general, experience fringing problems
    because they have 'bleed'
    When creating a decal that needs to be trimmed with a transparent perimater,
    you need two files:
    1) the image
    2) the mask
    aJust like in the real world you need the 'media' and the 'screen'
    Remember that the mask sets the perimeter... THE IMAGE DOES NOT!

    Think of how silk screening works - there is a mask on a silk sheet that
    allows ink to flow through. The ink is spread indescriminately across the
    back, and is only able to fall throught he holes in the mask.

    This is how your decals must work to eliminate fringing.

    The image should be solid color all the way to the extent of its rectangle
    The decal mask should indicate where that solid color stops, just like the
    mask on a silk screen tells the ink where 'not' to flow.
    Edward T Eaton, Oct 25, 2004
  4. Sygenics

    Sygenics Guest

    Thanks Rod and Edward. I'll give that a try today, it makes perfect
    sense, I just didn't 'think' that way.

    If they have the transparency option there, surely it should work
    right! The whole area needs a little work IMHO, not up to par with
    the rest of the package.

    thanks again

    Sygenics, Oct 25, 2004
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