Death of a group?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jollyroger, May 22, 2008.

  1. jollyroger

    TOP Guest

    I don't like blogs. I don't think any one person can keep one going
    for long with new, fresh and pertinent material. This means wading
    through a bunch of them with the obligatory signup for each one to
    find something or just to be a part. I'll read them if there is
    something of interest but not as a rule. They are not the kind of
    thing you can watch out of the corner of your eye during the day.

    I don't like the SW forums because of their pigeon holing. The NG
    allows one to see all the action and chime in if you have something to
    share and to learn if you don't The learning part is missing from the
    forum format. They can be good on the odd chance that a SW person is
    lurking and willing to chime in and they are sometimes good for
    getting a specific answer. SW may have purposely setup the forums to
    drain people off from here but that is supposition.

    Eng-Tips is just OK because the format is treeless and harder to
    search and browse, but I do like it's user moderated format. There are
    also a bunch of tech support people that hang there because they can't
    get enough at work. And because it is a for profit endeavor some
    things of general interest to SW folks can't be done there like UG

    SWCAD at google groups suits me fine. That is the other place I lurk
    because it not only has the plusses of the NG but it works with email.
    I can set my email filter to "ring" me if someone posts so it is
    argueably the quickest place to get an answer if an answer is to be

    But the NG has one big advantage, it is archived; there is history.
    Can't do that with email or some of the other formats. The NG can be
    searched, filtered, kill-filed and handled in other flexible ways. It
    is concise and totally open. That is also it's biggest weakness
    because it takes a commitment to not do the bad behaviour on a purely
    voluntary basis and is therefore a window into the dark soul of man
    (and women).

    Anyway, I posted a link on Netiquette, a discussion that hasn't
    happened here in a long time.

    TOP, May 28, 2008
  2. jollyroger

    CarCrazy666 Guest

    ..if I were to guess, it would be Richard Williams.

    CarCrazy666, May 28, 2008
  3. jollyroger

    Cliff Guest

    Blogs & BBS systems come & go.
    They fill up too, slow & script kiddies
    wantto post animated graphics. Some have
    lots of ads to load as well. Nor can you
    mark things as read.
    Cliff, May 28, 2008
  4. Well put all around - thanks.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 28, 2008

  5. Last-modified: 2003-10-04 (revision 1.14)
    Posted-by: postfaq 1.15 (Perl 5.10.0)
    Archive-name: net-abuse-faq/newsgroups
    Original-author: Fluffy <>
    Posting-frequency: weekly

    We have a plentiful selection of newsgroups about network abuse and
    related issues, but what is the best one to use? Here are excerpts from
    the newsgroups' charters, with emphasis added to help make things clear.
    Please refer to the full charters, URLs included here when available, if
    you would like more detail.

    If you want to learn more about network abuse -- what it is, what can be
    done about it and just what all those acronyms mean -- Tim Skirvin has
    pointers to more sources of information at:


    Thank you for following these recommendations. It will make these
    newsgroups more useful for all involved.

    Network Abuse Newsgroups: (moderated)
    " is a newsgroup devoted to
    discussion of subjects related to the USE, ADMINISTRATION, AND EFFECTS
    OF BLOCKLISTS in ameliorating the problem of unsolicited bulk email
    and other unwanted or abusive network traffic. Any topic which is
    especially of interest to those maintaining, using, or affected by
    blocklists is welcome in this group."

    <> (moderated)
    " is a moderated forum for BULLETINS OF
    ACTION TAKEN AGAINST NET ABUSE. Appropriate subjects include
    cancellation notices (EMP/ECP, spew, binary, and others), status
    reports from individual systems concerning action taken against
    abusers, results of tracking campaigns, "rogue site" declarations, and
    the like." You brought down a spammer? This is the place to report

    <> (robomoderated)
    " is a forum for REPORTS OF SIGHTINGS OF
    NET ABUSE. It is a robomoderated forum, allowing only properly
    formatted posts. Followups are required to be set strictly out of the
    group and into the appropriate group in the*

    <> (robomoderated)
    " is a moderated forum for DISCUSSION OF
    POLICY and site-management issues related to net abuse. Possible
    topics include Acceptable Use Policies, what actions should be taken
    against abusers, discussion of third-party cancel messages, possible
    actions against abusive sites such as rogue site declarations,
    discussion of what is and is not net abuse, and so forth."
    Crossposting is not allowed here, and the subject must contain some
    sort of topic tag.

    " is a forum for DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE
    ABUSES OF E-MAIL. Possible topics include mailbombing,
    denial-of-service attacks, "listserv bombs", unsolicited and/or
    unwanted mail, email address lists, mailing list abuse, large-scale
    mailings in general, chain letters, "email viruses" such as Good
    Times, filtering software such as procmail, and so forth. Flames and
    other personal attacks received through email are not on-topic, unless
    they are related to another form of abuse." Please DO NOT post
    reports and sightings here.

    " is a forum for DISCUSSION OF POSSIBLE
    ABUSES OF USENET (as defined in news.announce.newusers). Possible
    topics include spamming or Excessive Multi-Posting (EMP), Excessive
    Cross-Posting (ECP), Usenet chain letters such as MAKE.MONEY.FAST,
    forged or third-party cancellations, broken Usenet gateways, forgery
    of another user, forged approvals in moderated groups, massively
    crossposted "flametrolls", abuse of the newsgroup creation system,
    general purpose netiquette, and so forth." Please DO NOT post reports
    and sightings here.

    " is a forum for DISCUSSION of possible net
    Possible topics include ping-storming, site aliasing, denial of
    service attacks, and anything else that DOES NOT FIT INTO THE OTHER
    FORUMS in the* hierarchy." Please DO NOT post
    reports and sightings here.


    Related Newsgroups:

    A less widely used newsgroup, this newsgroup can also be somewhat more
    friendly, or at least less confrontational, and is at least lower
    traffic. Some posters may find it an easier place to have a
    conversation about what to do about spam than the network abuse

    This is a forum for discussion of all aspects of censorship and free
    speech issues relating to news administration/Usenet from all sources,
    specifically including the government, system and news adminstrators
    and other users. This newsgroup is intended for discussing censorship
    issues directly related to netnews, although more general censorship
    topics do tend to appear.
    This group is for the discussion of legal aspects of computers, or
    places where computers or computer users bump into the law, such as
    electronic communications privacy laws; anti-trust; monopolies;
    license agreements; look and feel copyrights; Secret Service; BBS
    raids; and anything else remotely related.--

    John R. Carroll
    John R. Carroll, May 29, 2008
  6. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    Posted on SolidWorks own forums in the General section:

    "I had a chance to play with Solid Edge ST today; quite impressive. A
    first glance it looked more like Solidworks then Solid Edge; (we use
    both on a regular bases); having said that it's nothing like Solid
    Edge or Solidworks.

    I've opened and modified some of our old Solidworks parts so quickly
    it difficult to believe I was in a different CAD package. I've been in
    the CAD business for the past 12 years with Solid Edge, Solidworks and
    ProE and for me this release just looks and feels good. Though, I can
    see some push back from the existing user base because the interface
    is so different from Solid Edge V20 and no matter how good some people
    don't like change.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trashing Solidworks; they didn't become
    the market leader by accident but this is a nice launch for Siemens
    and Solidworks will have to take notice, which I'm sure they will.

    Neil Thomas
    OneCAD Solutions Ltd"

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 29, 2008
  7. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    Posted on SolidWorks own forums in the General section:

    "I had a chance to play with Solid Edge ST today; quite impressive. A
    first glance it looked more like Solidworks then Solid Edge; (we use
    both on a regular bases); having said that it's nothing like Solid
    Edge or Solidworks.

    I've opened and modified some of our old Solidworks parts so quickly
    it difficult to believe I was in a different CAD package. I've been in
    the CAD business for the past 12 years with Solid Edge, Solidworks and
    ProE and for me this release just looks and feels good. Though, I can
    see some push back from the existing user base because the interface
    is so different from Solid Edge V20 and no matter how good some people
    don't like change.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not trashing Solidworks; they didn't become
    the market leader by accident but this is a nice launch for Siemens
    and Solidworks will have to take notice, which I'm sure they will.

    Neil Thomas
    OneCAD Solutions Ltd"

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 30, 2008
  8. John R. Carroll, May 30, 2008
  9. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, May 30, 2008
  10. jollyroger

    Cliff Guest

    Each time with less & less?
    LOL ..... Convergent Series ==> 0.
    We just need a pentagram ....
    Cliff, May 30, 2008
  11. I've never tried anything of the sort Jon, desperately or otherwise.
    In fact, I'm more than a little surprised that Google blocked the original.
    They must have told you who complained Jon so you know it wasn't me.

    What actually happened?
    John R. Carroll, May 30, 2008
  12. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    Was just shut down. No notice, no you have violated, no nothing.

    Hey, it's the America you want.

    Give your lawyer more money. He still hasn't sued me.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 30, 2008
  13. jollyroger

    TOP Guest

    What can I say?

    TOP, May 30, 2008
  14. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    "The Hype IS Right: Synchronous Technology is a CAD Breakthrough

    This week Siemens PLM Software showed its new Synchronous Technology
    to analysts and press. Siemens calls it “the next big breakthrough in
    3D CAD design since the advent of parametric systems in the 1990s.”
    The hype is right; Siemens has a hit on its hands, one its competition
    will be FUD’ing and following as fast as they can. Siemens is keeping
    quiet on how this revolutionary software was developed, but we have an
    exclusive peek at the family tree--a peak that may give their
    desperate competitors a clue about how to proceed next. It has nothing
    to do with trying to acquire one of the explicit modelers now on the
    market. (May 22, 2008)"

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 31, 2008
  15. jollyroger

    TOP Guest

    TOP, Jun 2, 2008
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