Death of a group?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jollyroger, May 22, 2008.

  1. jollyroger

    Cliff Guest

    Moron !!!

    This was in reply to NOBODY (other than all the
    voices in your head)!!
    Cliff, May 23, 2008
  2. jollyroger

    Cliff Guest

    (Waves at idiots who post to alt.machines.cnc).
    Cliff, May 23, 2008
  3. jollyroger

    Cliff Guest

    I have. Many times. He's still utterly clueless, a non-user
    of any of it.
    Cliff, May 23, 2008
  4. jollyroger

    jollyroger Guest

    Cliff, here we use SW in manufacturing, using third party software to
    accomplish the task (Alphacam). Of course, this is not a "direct"
    process, but it works.

    Interoperability with existing software was one of the point that took
    us to choose SW instead of other CAD/CAE/CAM.
    jollyroger, May 23, 2008
  5. jollyroger

    Cliff Guest

    I suspect that you use Sandy Livingstone's AlphaCam for manufacturing
    and SW for design, etc <G>.

    Which was the pre-existing (I assume) software?
    Cliff, May 23, 2008
  6. jollyroger

    Joe788 Guest

    Jon, remember a few months back when you made all of these exact same
    claims about HSMWorks? How did that turn out? Did they knock Mastercam
    of the top of the podium yet?

    "Who I'm working with to deliver what truly will be the next
    generation of CAM:" -Jon Banquer-

    "I understand why your shop did not go with HSMWorks. We have a lot of
    work to do." -Jon Banquer-

    "Jon is not affiliated with HSMWorks ApS in any way and that we cannot
    control what people are writing on the web. Anybody can get
    evaluation licenses of HSMWorks and test it themselves. I hope this
    clarifies any doubt." - HSMWorks ApS -
    Joe788, May 23, 2008
  7. jollyroger

    Guest Guest

    I agree with ya...I use OE as well <cringe> (but there is a reason on my
    corporate owned PC)...

    I saw it download 55 messages this morning, and then you can watch it start
    counting down, leaving me with 22....Filters are a great thing and if
    everyone ignores the obvious "known" people, and just kills them this would
    be a better place. I personally like the newsgroups better than the web
    based sites..

    A) not graphic intensive, loads are faster and I can quickly see any posts I
    want to read and most times am done viewing before most people can get their
    browser and login going....

    B) (most important to me) Low profile - My company tracks internet usage
    and newsgroup accounts are not tracked. Even if they were, they simply
    connect, download messages and disconnect. This means in than 10 seconds I
    get all my info from all my various newsgroups right into my reader. With a
    web based group everytime you change a subject, reply, read, refresh,
    etc.... it's address and page gets logged on the server. Now, most
    companies have better things to do than monitor, but I just don't like big
    brother watching in the event I take 5 minutes to write this.

    C) I like having my SWx Topic folder quickly accessible on the left folder
    group. Any message or tips I like and find interesting, in half a second I
    drag and drop into my collection. I have messages and tips going back years
    from the likes of:


    Rob Rodriguez
    Wayne Tiffany
    Matt Lombard
    Anna Wood
    Bob Z
    Devon Sowell

    and a multitude of others that I've gotten stuff out of over the years
    whether their help was directed to me or not....Which is what this group is
    (or was) about...

    I hope people stick it out...

    If they don't - I for one thank all of the relevant posters over the years
    that have made my job easier...Thank you.

    I'll be here even if my reader downloads 100 messages and screens it out to
    1....There is that one person I might learn something from (or be able to
    help them in turn)

    Again, my thanks,

    Precipart Corp.

    (usually sign simply as IYM)
    Guest, May 23, 2008
  8. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, May 23, 2008
  9. Ok, I finally have to chime in here.

    I refuse to be pushed out. I use plain and simple OE, I filter the garbage,
    I wish people would stop replying to those that I have filtered out, I want
    the world to sing...

    I think there are still valuable nuggets here and I am willing to wade
    through the muck to discover them, and am willing to spread a few myself. I
    have always liked this newsgroup better than the forums because it's the
    wild wild west - guns are a blazing at times. But the benefits still
    outweigh the bad. Besides, I don't like being pushed around by those that
    speak of that which they know not.

    Wayne Tiffany, May 23, 2008
  10. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, May 23, 2008
  11. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    jon_banquer, May 23, 2008
  12. jollyroger

    Steve Guest

    this guy <3's solidworks.

    It's only CAD...
    Steve, May 23, 2008
  13. I'm with you Wayne! As long as there are at least a few of us that don't
    give up, we should be able to keep the group alive.

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, May 24, 2008
  14. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    SolidWorks users on SolidWorks own forums want answers as some
    contemplate moving to Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 24, 2008
  15. jollyroger

    CADaholic Guest

    I couldn't agree with you more. I too come from a Pro/E background
    and have often looked here for answers.

    Ah, but then there's the clueless one and those who feel it is their
    duty to engage him. Do they actually believe that if they put him
    down well enough he will go away and they will be hailed as heros or
    something? C'mon guys. It all comes down to somebody's tag line I
    once read:

    CADaholic, May 25, 2008
  16. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    SolidWorks users on SolidWorks own forums want answers as some
    contemplate moving to Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 25, 2008
  17. jollyroger

    Cliff Guest

    Oops .... How did you get to post there & under what exact name?
    Cliff, May 26, 2008
  18. so who is in control of this ng? is there a way it could be moderated?
    Or could someone create a new (somewhat moderated) where real users could
    bill allemann, May 26, 2008
  19. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    SolidWorks users on SolidWorks own forums want answers as some
    contemplate moving to Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 26, 2008
  20. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    SolidWorks users on SolidWorks own forums want answers as some
    contemplate moving to Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology.

    Looks like we're going to see many SolidWorks users make the move to
    Solid Edge with Synchronous Technology because it has the tools that
    SolidWorks doesn't have to work with imported data.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 26, 2008
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