Death of a group?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jollyroger, May 22, 2008.

  1. jollyroger

    jollyroger Guest

    Sorry in advance for this rant, but I feel I need to.

    I really liked this group.
    Since I switched to SolidWorks, I found in this group a constant
    source of help.
    Had my training on SW2000, and after some years with Pro-E moved to
    SW2007, changing from plastic modeling to sheet and milling
    techniques. So I almost had to learn everything again.
    In the google archives of this group I fond solutions on almost all my
    doubts about weldments, sheet folding, drawing etc. When I didn't
    found, I asked and got answer.

    Came back after a few weeks, and found the group polluted with spam,
    flooding and trolling by a "clueless" user and his useless blog,
    followed by flames by most of the once-good users.

    It is impossible to find interesting topics in the bulk. The number of
    good threads is fallen to its minimum. I guess lots of good users
    left, as I am doing.

    Thanks to everyone who, consciously or not, provided me and other
    lurkers help or answered our distress calls.

    Last one: can anyone suggest a good *moderated* forum about SW and cad
    in general?
    jollyroger, May 22, 2008
  2. jollyroger

    That70sTick Guest

    JB has been banned from In his words, it's

    Eng-tips has an excellent SW forum. I also recommend the community.
    That70sTick, May 22, 2008
  3. jollyroger

    FrankW Guest

    You could learn to use a killfile.
    Once done, a lot of noise will disappear if you add the noisemaker into
    the killfile.
    FrankW, May 22, 2008
  4. jollyroger

    Pats Fan Guest

    I have been using the Solidworks run forum...
    and have found it to be useful. At least the posts are directly
    related to Solidworks issues and there are lots of knowledgable people
    to answer any question you may have.
    Pats Fan, May 22, 2008
  5. jollyroger

    Dale Dunn Guest

    I've been using the killfile, and I'm still about ready to give up on this
    group. Too many people are getting sucked into the stupid-fest every day. I
    have to plonk people on a very regular basis. What's left is a handful of
    useful threads among SW sucks rants.

    The signal to noise ratio has fallen because most of the signal has already
    moved to other forums. The SW hosted forum pulled most, I think, even
    though the thread handling mechanics of that forum are horrible. Before
    that, I was avoiding Eng-Tips because it also was difficult to use to keep
    track of threads and what's been read. So far, none of the web-based forums
    has even approached the useability of something that can be read with a
    nntp news reader. Good grief, I'd rather read from Outlook Express than a
    web-based forum.

    Even with those difficulties, I'm about ready to give up on this forum.
    Only habit and sentimentality are keeping me here, and that's not very
    rational. It's too bad c.c.sw never had a moderator.
    Dale Dunn, May 22, 2008
  6. Now that I give it some thought you are right. Even with "you know who" and
    his brother on 'kill", useful info is drying up fast. I guess it is time to
    checkout the SWX forum on their web site.

    Good Bye & Good Luck

    Michael Eckstein, May 22, 2008
  7. Deelip Menezes, May 22, 2008
  8. jollyroger

    POH Guest

    Even the appropriate topics which begin as serious questions, requests
    for advice or as information provided to share experiences, techniques
    or technical information are all too often polluted by noisemakers'
    comments and quickly degraded or, at least, needlessly diverted.

    It has gotten to the point where it is simply not worth the time to
    pull the hip boots on and wade through all the nonsense in hopes of
    finding the good stuff which once was the norm here at

    Sorry - I have to leave now...

    Per O. Hoel
    POH, May 22, 2008
  9. jollyroger

    lmar Guest

    I had an opportunity to talk to another forum user just the other week
    having not seen or spoken to him in over a year.
    His first comment after "Hi how are you?" was "I've lost track of you
    since I haven't been checking the forum".
    When pressed as to why he made commented on similiar items you just
    brought up.

    I hate to say "I told you" but you might want to check out the link.

    Note the date and contents and then compare to your observations.

    I also had a gander through the archive files around the same time. I
    found it interesting to note all the names of some pretty good
    contributors (technical and otherwise) who no longer post to this

    I've been visiting the SW user group for more of my technical answers
    but haven't found a group that challanges my "CAD Philosophy' and the
    way I do things. It was nice to see other peoples perspective on the
    same problem.

    Take care.


    in advance for this rant, but I feel I need to.> > I really liked this
    group.> Since I switched to SolidWorks, I found in this group a
    constant> source of help.> Had my training on SW2000, and after some
    years with Pro-E moved to> SW2007, changing from plastic modeling to
    sheet and milling> techniques. So I almost had to learn everything
    again.> In the google archives of this group I fond solutions on
    almost all my> doubts about weldments, sheet folding, drawing etc.
    When I didn't> found, I asked and got answer.> > Came back after a few
    weeks, and found the group polluted with spam,> flooding and trolling
    by a "clueless" user and his useless blog,> followed by flames by most
    of the once-good users.> > It is impossible to find interesting topics
    in the bulk. The number of> good threads is fallen to its minimum. I
    guess lots of good users> left, as I am doing.> > Thanks to everyone
    who, consciously or not, provided me and other> lurkers help or
    answered our distress calls.> > Last one: can anyone suggest a good
    *moderated* forum about SW and cad> in general?
    lmar, May 22, 2008
  10. jollyroger

    mr.T Guest

    I would use the solidworks forum but I can't stand the interface, why can't they make it so we can connect to it with
    news reader like Outlook?
    mr.T, May 22, 2008
  11. jollyroger

    fcsuper Guest

    fcsuper, May 22, 2008
  12. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    Is Synchronous Technology the death of SolidWorks if SolidWorks
    doesn't have an answer? Sure looks like they don't have an answer.

    Interesting to watch all the SolidWorks fanboys lose it as it gets
    more and more obvious that SolidWorks is now in deep shit.

    Siemens has a lot of money and it seems pretty clear to me that they
    can take major market share away from SolidWorks if SolidWorks has no
    answer to Synchronous Technology.

    Lets not forget that Matt Lombard as well as yourself have no clues
    when it comes to what is really needed in SolidWorks. The same could
    be said for a total moron like Tom Brewer who has missed every major
    shift in the CADCAM business for years. Keep praying that it's "ho hum
    technology" as Matt Lombard claimed on his blog and you agreed with,
    Mr. Lorono and hope for divine intervention because otherwise you,
    Lombard, Brewer and the other assorted ignorant idiots have made total
    fools of yourselves.

    Don't hate me too much because I was so right on exactly what the real
    problems are / and have been. The FACT remains that Siemens/UGS has a
    much better understanding of the tools manufacturing really needs than
    SolidWorks Corp does. I think it really helps that UG started as a CAM
    system not a CAD system.

    Lets get you and the rest of the SolidWorks fanboys to a sheltered
    forum safe from me ASAP. It's going to get really ugly when SolidEdge
    with Synchronous Technology gets released, Matt. I believe that would
    be in a month or so. Thank god that many of the idiots who post on
    this newsgroup and in alt.machines.cnc don't reflect what the real
    world wants and needs.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 23, 2008
  13. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    Is Synchronous Technology the death of SolidWorks if SolidWorks
    doesn't have an answer? Sure looks like they don't have an answer.

    Interesting to watch all the SolidWorks fanboys lose it as it gets
    more and more obvious that SolidWorks is now in deep shit.

    Siemens has a lot of money and it seems pretty clear to me that they
    can take major market share away from SolidWorks if SolidWorks has no
    answer to Synchronous Technology.

    Lets not forget that Matt Lombard as well as yourself have no clues
    when it comes to what is really needed in SolidWorks. The same could
    be said for a total moron like Tom Brewer who has missed every major
    shift in the CADCAM business for years. Keep praying that it's "ho hum
    technology" as Matt Lombard claimed on his blog and you agreed with,
    Mr. Lorono and hope for divine intervention because otherwise you,
    Lombard, Brewer and the other assorted ignorant idiots have made total
    fools of yourselves.

    Don't hate me too much because I was so right on exactly what the real
    problems are / and have been. The FACT remains that Siemens/UGS has a
    much better understanding of the tools manufacturing really needs than
    SolidWorks Corp does. I think it really helps that UG started as a CAM
    system not a CAD system.

    Lets get you and the rest of the SolidWorks fanboys to a sheltered
    forum safe from me ASAP. It's going to get really ugly when SolidEdge
    with Synchronous Technology gets released, Matt. I believe that would
    be in a month or so. Thank god that many of the idiots who post on
    this newsgroup and in alt.machines.cnc don't reflect what the real
    world wants and needs.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 23, 2008
  14. jollyroger

    gk Guest

    I'm glad that the dumper of all this bs is depositing most of it on his
    own blog. (That's similar to crapping in your own messkit.)

    gk, May 23, 2008
  15. jollyroger

    jon_banquer Guest

    Is Synchronous Technology the death of SolidWorks if SolidWorks
    doesn't have an answer? Sure looks like they don't have an answer.

    Interesting to watch all the SolidWorks fanboys lose it as it gets
    more and more obvious that SolidWorks is now in deep shit.

    Siemens has a lot of money and it seems pretty clear to me that they
    can take major market share away from SolidWorks if SolidWorks has no
    answer to Synchronous Technology.

    Lets not forget that Matt Lombard as well as yourself have no clues
    when it comes to what is really needed in SolidWorks. The same could
    be said for a total moron like Tom Brewer who has missed every major
    shift in the CADCAM business for years. Keep praying that it's "ho hum
    technology" as Matt Lombard claimed on his blog and you agreed with,
    Mr. Lorono and hope for divine intervention because otherwise you,
    Lombard, Brewer and the other assorted ignorant idiots have made total
    fools of yourselves.

    Don't hate me too much because I was so right on exactly what the real
    problems are / and have been. The FACT remains that Siemens/UGS has a
    much better understanding of the tools manufacturing really needs than
    SolidWorks Corp does. I think it really helps that UG started as a CAM
    system not a CAD system.

    Lets get you and the rest of the SolidWorks fanboys to a sheltered
    forum safe from me ASAP. It's going to get really ugly when SolidEdge
    with Synchronous Technology gets released, Matt. I believe that would
    be in a month or so. Thank god that many of the idiots who post on
    this newsgroup and in alt.machines.cnc don't reflect what the real
    world wants and needs.

    Jon Banquer
    San Diego, CA
    jon_banquer, May 23, 2008
  16. jollyroger

    jollyroger Guest

    I read the groups with Google, so no killfile allowed.

    no, I can't use a newsreader since I usually read this group from lot
    of different places and I don't have admin rights on all the PCs.
    jollyroger, May 23, 2008
  17. jollyroger

    Jean Marc Guest

    Kill file works fine for me, even if I may have added some that usefuly
    The level of noise is really low, and I can see the filtering as OE loads
    only half of the new messages.
    Jean Marc, May 23, 2008
  18. jollyroger

    jollyroger Guest

    I see you got the point of this thread, man...

    What about ignoring him now?

    I think everyone here, except him, knows that
    1. marketbabble is not a reason to buy expensive and untested software
    2. moving from a CAD to another is an expensive action, and should be
    taken only in exceptional conditions
    3. after all, the greatest difference is not "what a software can do",
    but "what you can do with that software". And training costs real

    giving C.C.SW a last chance
    jollyroger, May 23, 2008
  19. jollyroger

    Cliff Guest

    Clueless is a bit overdue for another psychic meltdown.
    After one he usually vanishes for months.
    Cliff, May 23, 2008
  20. jollyroger

    Cliff Guest

    Tell us, in YOUR OWN WORDS, exactly how YOU use it
    (& "Synchronous Technology") in YOUR day to day

    Dare you.
    SW is a CAD system, you idiot !!!
    Don't you get that YET?

    It is NOT for "manufacturing".
    GIGO. As usual.
    Cliff, May 23, 2008
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