dealing with signatures on drawings

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Steve Reinisch, Sep 26, 2006.

  1. We need to have our drawings conform to ASME Y14.100 which means that we
    have to have a unique controlable identifier for the signatures on a
    drawing. At the moment we have the original, typically 11X17, signed off in
    a signature block off the border in the upper right of the sheet and the
    names are added in to the title block using a custom property. The problem
    comes when we need to send the drawing out and do a PDF the original
    signatures are no longer there as they are only on the original paper
    version and we no longer strictly comply with ASME as the sig block is off
    the drawing.

    Part of the ASME standard says

    The design activity shall verify that engineering
    drawingis and associated lists are technically accurate,
    in conformance with all requirements, and have been
    approved. Approval shall be signified in the signature
    block on the original by signature or approval indicator
    established by the design activity. An approval indicator
    may be any symbol adopted by the design activity. A
    signature or approval indicator may be either hand
    written or electronically affixed as long as it is unique
    to an individual, capable of verification, and under the
    individual's sole control.


    (c) Electronically generated names or signatures are
    allowed provided there is an electronic authorization system.
    The system procedures shall provide for entry of the
    name or a signature of the responsible individuals in the
    Title block and Revision History block of the drawing.

    I guess I am getting into some PDM here, we run PDM Works, but of course
    that will not handle this sort of thing

    So to make a long story short, how are other people doing this?

    Steve Reinisch
    Steve Reinisch, Sep 26, 2006
  2. Steve Reinisch

    fcsuper Guest

    It's just not practical to have human signatures (electroinically
    replicated or not) on a drawing in modern CAD systems. I can't speak
    to whether or not ASME has addressed this issue. But the norm these
    days is Electronic Signatures, which is legally established under U.S.

    Electronic Signature systems is in the realm of PLM's, and won't even
    show up on your drawings.. If you aren't big enough as a company for a
    PLM, but expect to be big enough one day, I was suggest just investing
    in a good one now that manages all aspects of the comany, including a
    straightforward system for Doc Control, Design control, Change Control,
    Inventory, requisition and acquisition, etc. Don't settle for a system
    that just does Doc Control/Change Control, or just inventory and
    workorders. Get a system that seamlessly integrates the who
    enterprise. If you already have a PLM, you'll need to figure about the
    best way for your company to us it for these purposes.

    If you don't feel a PLM is going to be needed, then I would suggest
    that whatever you do is built into your change control process.

    At my company, the decision very early on was to not have signiture
    fields on the drawing at all, either for revision or for direct drawing
    approval. Approval is maintained by the PLM in the form of electronic
    signatures. A drawing is no different from a word document or a visio
    document or an excel document when it comes to how it is managed in a
    PLM, so if electronic signatures are all it needed for a word document
    (as no one signs word documents directly, or ever has unless they are
    eccentric), then that is all is required for a drawing. This is more
    in the realm of legal requirements than directly speaking of ASME.

    fcsuper, Sep 27, 2006
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