De-Enhancement List

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Eric, Apr 21, 2006.

  1. Eric

    Eric Guest

    After experiencing a regression in Sp 4 and then being told by a VAR
    that it is a current limitation so I need to submit an enhancement
    request (what?? so what was this function all those years that it
    worked correctly, an accident?) , I came up with the following idea: a
    De-enhancement List. Someone with lots of time on their hands could
    keep a running tally of enhancements (250 or so advertised with each
    new release) versus de-enhancements (i.e. regressions). Would the
    numbers be equal? This would be a somewhat objective way of measuring
    the quality of a release or service pack.

    Eric, Apr 21, 2006
  2. Eric

    Ben Eadie Guest


    Just out of curiosity, what was the regression? I have bit my lip on a
    few "issues" because they have served me well in the past, I hope this
    is not one of them


    Ben Eadie, Apr 21, 2006
  3. Eric

    j Guest

    What was the regression in SP4
    j, Apr 21, 2006
  4. Eric

    j Guest


    FYI there is a 4.1 SP available. Not sure what your regression was but
    maybe this one fixed it. (but probably trashed 10 other things that
    worked before)
    j, Apr 21, 2006
  5. Eric

    drt Guest

    How's this for a regression.
    Just down loaded and installed sp 4.1
    trying to open an 8 meg 5 page drawing
    with sp 3.4 the drawing opens in 28 sec
    just took 8 mins to open with sp 4.1
    If I open the assembly first fully resolve the models than i can open
    the drawing.
    drt, Apr 21, 2006
  6. Eric

    hayduke Guest

    It seems either very few people deal with files that large, or it's just
    a few of us that are having this problem. My VAR is stumped on this one
    hayduke, Apr 21, 2006
  7. Eric

    Eric Guest

    If you create a PDF of drawing file using the Save As PDF function, and
    the drawing has embedded Word objects in it, the objects print out with
    a box around them. You can choose a "Sharpen Zoom State" option for
    the Word document to get rid of the box, but it prints out at poor
    resolution, and the boxed area is no longer transparent, so it obscures
    anything behind it (such as another OLE object that happens to

    The VAR came back and said that this is now a "limitation" of the
    software, not a bug.

    This is probably a non-issue for 99% of users, but we have thousands of
    documents with embedded Word objects, so there's no way we want to
    re-do them with native SWX text, plus Word is better at formatting than
    SWX. I just got done integrating Ghostscript into my macro so we can
    once again print to pdf silently, and documents look correct again.
    Lots of time down the drain...
    Eric, Apr 21, 2006
  8. Eric

    Michael Guest

    Just say no to "SaveAsPDF"--SW consistently manages to screw it up, why not
    just move on and use something that actually works?

    You can solve your problem by purchasing a copy of PDFCreate (under $50).
    You could probably also solve it with one of the free pdf writers, but I
    don't have one handy to check it for you.

    If you'd like, I'll email you some PDF's demonstrating the cure...
    Michael, Apr 21, 2006
  9. Eric

    jjs Guest

    Hey - someone could earn some money for keeping the list - of course
    Sw would not pay the salary but perhaps one of Sw's competitors might
    ! ? You should try Eric or shhhhh -- JB who has time on his hands

    jjs, Dec 12, 2006
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