dcl tile attributes

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Tom, Jan 23, 2004.

  1. Tom

    Tom Guest

    How does one set the non-value attribute of a dcl tile from a lisp function?
    Getting them is easy, but not a word in help about setting them. Thanks in

    Tom, Jan 23, 2004
  2. Tom

    John Uhden Guest

    Every interactive tile takes and returns values as strings. To empty a tile
    (set_tile "TileKey" "").
    Hope that's what you meant.
    John Uhden, Jan 24, 2004
  3. Tom

    Tom Guest

    Thanks for the message, John. Perhaps I should have been clearer. I know
    set_tile can send a value to a tile, but how about the other attributes,
    e.g. the label attribute. Specifically, how would one set the label
    attribute of an edit box from a lisp function? Set_tile would only affect
    its value attribute. There must be a compliment to Get_attr with which one
    can pass an attribute from a tile to a function. Thanks again for your
    Tom, Jan 24, 2004
  4. Tom

    ECCAD Guest

    To change a string in the dialog, ditch the 'Label', and use a 'text' tile: like so:

    : row {
    : text_25 { key = "msg1"; }
    : edit32_box { key = "edit_1"; allow_accept = true; }
    In Lisp, do:
    (setq msg1 "Italian phrase 1")
    and, in dialog section, do:
    (if (/= msg1 nil)(set_tile "msg1" msg1))

    ECCAD, Jan 24, 2004
  5. Tom

    John Uhden Guest

    Bob is correct. You can't change the label attribute of a tile. If you have to
    enable/disable one [of the pair of tiles], then enable/disable both so they
    appear to be connected.
    John Uhden, Jan 24, 2004
  6. Tom

    ECCAD Guest

    Another thing,
    If you plan to change the 'text' value, it will not change until you (unload / load) the .dcl again. Can be done easily with Lisp, but causes a noticable 'screen-flicker' during repaint.
    No other way to do it that I know of.
    ECCAD, Jan 24, 2004
  7. Tom

    Kenny Guest

    Kenny, Jan 26, 2004
  8. Tom

    cwanless Guest

    There is a way to change the text of a label. It requires you to use ObjectDCL. ObjectDCL allows you to change the text of a label and allows you to do whole lot of other things, DCL just simply can't.

    cwanless, Jan 27, 2004
  9. Tom

    ECCAD Guest

    I suppose there is a way in ObjectDCL, but NOT in straight .dcl files. Using a 'text' tile rather than 'Label' will fix the problem.
    ECCAD, Jan 27, 2004
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