dcl text button hotkey?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by cwitt, Feb 7, 2005.

  1. cwitt

    cwitt Guest

    ok.. how can I use a hotkey in a dcl button?.. (you know the
    "underlined" letter in button text..

    the O in Open.. The Y in Yes.. N in No...

    the reason for asking.. is so our users can navigate our custom dialog
    boxes with a keyboard (without needing to use the tab key).
    cwitt, Feb 7, 2005
  2. cwitt

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi cwitt

    : button {
    key         = "mybutton" ;
    label       = "saveAs" ;
    mnemonic    = "A" ;
    Jürg Menzi, Feb 7, 2005
  3. cwitt

    cwitt Guest

    ok, but that doesn't "show" the user what letter is the hotkey..(I'd
    rather not have to use lower case text just to indicate the hotkey as
    upper case).
    cwitt, Feb 7, 2005
  4. cwitt

    Jürg Menzi Guest


    The mnemonic letter will show underscored and is case sensitive:
    : button {
    key         = "mybutton" ;
    label       = "saveAs" ;
    mnemonic    = "A" ;
    'A' underscored...
    : button {
    key         = "mybutton" ;
    label       = "Saveas" ;
    mnemonic    = "a" ;
    First 'a' underscored...
    Jürg Menzi, Feb 8, 2005
  5. cwitt

    cwitt Guest

    then it Doesn't work here. there are no underscored letters when the
    dialog runs.
    cwitt, Feb 8, 2005
  6. cwitt

    cwitt Guest

    yes, and ah.

    how can i sent THIS ONE box to show them.. without affecting all of windows?

    cwitt, Feb 8, 2005
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