Afternoon - Trying to write a dcl and lisp routine to allow for easy insertion of blocks. Having trouble trying to figure out how to write within the lisp routine to use start_list and have the box list blocks right from windows explorer?? Is that possible? Same goes for the image box......please see below, I posted both lsp and dcl files. test : dialog { label = "Door Dialog"; : row { : column { : list_box { key = "style_list"; width = 16; height = 8; allow_accept = true; } : column { : image { key = "style_image"; height = 7; width = 20; } } } } ok_cancel_err; } (defun c:test (/ dcl_id) (setq DCL_ID (load_dialog "l:/tsa-custom/dcl/test.dcl")) (if (not (new_dialog "test" DCL_ID)) (exit)) (start_dialog) (unload_dialog DCL_ID) (princ) )