dcl help needed...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by aaron weissner, May 12, 2004.

  1. i am trying to set some variables using dcl but i keep getting nil... what
    i have is radio buttons with the defualt value set to 1 in the dcl file...
    if i add something like (action_tile "but" "(setq but $value)") to the lisp
    file... if i just hit okay to accept the defaults i get but = nil... if i
    change the radio button it works fine... and even if i change it and change
    it back to what is was it works fine... just not when i want to use the
    default... what am i doing wrong... i only have defaults set on a few
    radio buttons... most of the other info is all user input...
    aaron weissner, May 12, 2004
  2. aaron weissner

    BillZ Guest

    Action_tile only works with user interaction. So you will need to somehow set an initial value to your variable.
    There are 2 ways (maybe more) to do this.
    Either use (setq var with a value or (get_tile "but")), with "but" being the key to the radio_row/column or the button. Do this right before the action tiles,
    Or set the variable when the "accept" button is pressed.
    I do it like this:
    (action_tile "accept" "(set_val)")
    Then define a subr at the top of the same lisp file:
    (defun set_val ()
    (setq var1 (get_tile "thisradiocolumn") ;cutter size.
    var2 (get_tile "thisbutton")
    var3 (get_tile "otherbuttonorradiocolumn")
    (done_dialog 1

    The latter way insures that you have all the values you need to run your program.

    BillZ, May 13, 2004
  3. thank you...

    set an initial value to your variable.
    the key to the radio_row/column or the button. Do this right before the
    action tiles,
    aaron weissner, May 13, 2004
  4. aaron weissner

    BillZ Guest

    Just a side note:

    Depending on what your needs are:
    I would recommend using the radio_row or column to get your value. i.e.
    (setq var1 (get_tile "radiorow"))
    (action_tile "radiorow" ("(setq var1 $value)")

    This is preferable to having an action_tile for each button.
    It will return the key of whatever button was pressed.
    The new help files don't seem to impress this.

    Here is a sample dialog to demonstrate what I'm saying:

    ;BILL ZONDLO 05/13/04
    (defun c:test_radio ()
    (setq dcl_id (load_dialog "g:/lsptemp/test_radio.dcl"))
    (if (not (new_dialog "test_radio" dcl_id "")) ;call dialog
    (action_tile "rad_row" "(set_tile \"info\" $value)") ;
    (action_tile "accept" "(done_dialog 1)")
    (action_tile "cancel" "(done_dialog 0)") ;cancel
    (setq an (start_dialog))
    (unload_dialog dcl_id)
    ) ;end progn
    ) ;end if

    And in the DCL File:

    // Bill Zondlo 05/11/04
    // Dialoge Box for test
    dcl_settings : default_dcl_settings
    { audit_level = 3 ;}
    test_radio : dialog {
    label = " Test Radio Value" ;
    :text {
    label = "" ;
    key = "info" ;
    :boxed_radio_row {
    alignment = centered ;
    label = "Select Button:" ;
    key = "rad_row" ;
    :radio_button {
    label = "Button_1:" ;
    key = "But_1" ;
    value = "1" ;
    :radio_button {
    label = "Button_2:" ;
    key = "But_2" ;
    value = "0" ;
    :radio_button {
    label = "Button_3:" ;
    key = "But_3" ;
    value = "0" ;
    :spacer {width = 3;}

    :boxed_row {
    :text_part {
    label = " Press OK to test:" ;

    ok_cancel ;
    alignment = centered ;
    fixed_width = true ;


    BillZ, May 13, 2004
  5. aaron weissner

    BillZ Guest

    You're Welcome.

    BillZ, May 13, 2004
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