Is it true that one can use C++ to develop DCL files that can be called from AutoLisp?
well, dcl files are just text files. So anyone could write a gui interface from any windows language to make dcl files. But you cannot use visual studio's gui for vb or c++ to make the dcl files... So, in short, no sdpurkey <> |>Is it true that one can use C++ to develop DCL files that can be called from AutoLisp? James Maeding jmaeding at hunsaker dot com Civil Engineer/Programmer
Thanks for the help. I've been taking existing DCL boxes and rearranging them. This is kind of silly, what is the best way? Thanks for the help.
since you asked <G> ObjectDCL blows the doors off normal DCL and is a whole lot easier to program. Grab the prog from and take a look at the sample progs. The cool thing is that it acts just like VB in terms of organization. In VB, the callbacks to your controls are in the code portion of the form. With ODCL, you place the callbacks anywhere, but I recommend making a lisp for each form. Then, you fll in code for the form initialize event and each controls click, or whatever event. I can help you too if you want to use ODCL. I use it for everything. In fact, I just posted a free prog to the customer files section, the zip has an .odc file in it (as well as the vlx and others...) That odc file is the dialog box definition. You can open it with ODCL and hack away if you want, its not protected. That will give you an idea of a prog that does things normal dcl cannot come close to, like the resizable dialog and the way I chage label colors when an entity has a hardcoded property...try the prog to see what I mean. thx sdpurkey <> |>Thanks for the help. I've been taking existing DCL boxes and rearranging them. This is kind of silly, what is the best way? |> |>Thanks for the help. James Maeding jmaeding at hunsaker dot com Civil Engineer/Programmer
I'm up with that - I think Chad's ObjectDCL is so good I'm willing to help - give .odc files to anyone who wants to give it a go. I've done things with Lisp and ObjectDCL that I could only dream of before . . .. In fact I'll post one that has most of my forms in the CF NG - it has Modal, Modeless, and dockable forms included. jb