DCL - display long string of text with multiple lines

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Aug 4, 2004.

  1. It feels like Monday, I can't think.
    I am looking for a way to display a long string of text (1000+ characters) in multiple lines.
    This is only for display and does not have to be edit-able.
    I know I could parse the text to a list and display in a list box, but I'm looking for a simpler method.
    I would prefer to not use 3rd party software (ObjectDCL).
    Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions, Aug 4, 2004
  2. Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions

    BillZ Guest

    :concatenation {
    :text_part {
    label = "This would be the first part of the string" ;
    width = 200
    : text_part {
    label = "and this would be the next part and on and on..." ;
    width = 200 ;
    } //end concatenation
    BillZ, Aug 4, 2004
  3. Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions

    T.Willey Guest


    I'm not the most knowledgeable person on dcl's, but could you work it so that you have like three or four text objects inside you dcl, and just asign a certain length to each string so that it will fit. Like if you original string is 1000 character's then every 250th character breaks to a new line, and asign it to the next text object within the dcl.

    Hope it sparks something,
    T.Willey, Aug 4, 2004
  4. Alan Henderson @ A'cad Solutions

    ECCAD Guest

    something like this works:
    : row {
    : paragraph {
    : text_part {
    label = " ";
    : text_part {
    label = " ********** Wire Number Style Codes **********";
    : text_part {
    label = " ";
    : text_part {
    label = " S = Sequential ...101, 102, 103...";
    : text_part {
    label = " L = Sheet-Line # [Start 1]...1201-1, 1201-2...";
    : text_part {
    label = " M = Sheet-Line # [Start 0]...1201-0, 1201-1...";
    : text_part {
    label = " X = Sheet-Line # [no dash, Start 1]...12011, 12012...";
    : text_part {
    label = " Y = Sheet-Line # [no dash, Start 0]...12010, 12011...";
    : text_part {
    label = " Instructions: Type in the Letter Code in the Assembly";
    : text_part {
    label = " area below to pick a Wire Number Style.";
    : text_part {
    label = " When you are finished, use the Show button to view the";
    : text_part {
    label = " changes and pick OK to save the changes, or";
    : text_part {
    label = " pick CANCEL to quit..";
    ECCAD, Aug 4, 2004
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