DC analysis

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by jim_wang22, Jan 7, 2005.

  1. jim_wang22

    jim_wang22 Guest

    When I do a DC analysis and click annotate DC Operating Points it
    displays "id, vgs and vds". I would like it to include "vdsat" as well,
    how can I do that?

    jim_wang22, Jan 7, 2005
  2. jim_wang22

    S. Badel Guest

    edit CDF of MOS cell, add vdsat to opPointLabelSet and
    make sure the symbol includes a label for displaying
    the value such as cdsParam(n).
    hope it'll work.
    S. Badel, Jan 7, 2005
  3. jim_wang22

    jim_wang22 Guest

    Also what does each "region" correspond to in the dc operating point
    parameter. i.e. region=1,2,..

    jim_wang22, Jan 7, 2005
  4. jim_wang22

    S. Badel Guest

    according to spectre -h bsim3v3

    Estimated operating region. Spectre outputs number (0-4) in a rawfile.
    Possible values are off, triode, sat, subth, or breakdown.

    that would mean 0=off, 1=triode, 2=sat, 3=subth & 4=brdwn

    S. Badel, Jan 7, 2005
  5. jim_wang22

    ercan Guest

    If you do not have write permission to the instance, you can change any
    parameter from Edit->Component Display Menu in the schematic window
    after a succesful simulation.
    check box of parameter in select label
    select operation point in parameter labels.
    change one of the parameter.

    ercan, Jan 7, 2005
  6. jim_wang22

    jim_wang22 Guest

    Is there a limit on the number of transistor parameters you can
    display? Because for pmos I have id, vgs, vth, vds and vdsat and all
    of them are displayed, however for nmos vdsat is not displayed. Is
    there any way around it?

    jim_wang22, Jan 10, 2005
  7. On the symbol, you need to have cdsParam(n) labels - each of which are
    "ILLabel" type. The n would be from 1 to 5 in your case. The idea is that each
    is a SKILL function which evaluates to display the 1st, 2nd, 3rd (etc)
    parameter in the list.

    If you don't have a label on the symbol, it can't be displayed...


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 10, 2005
  8. How would you recomend library users to provide themselves with symbols
    with more cdsParam(n) than in the provided library?

    Example: In the standard analogLib there is mostly 3 cdsParam entries
    per symbol. I need to have administrator rights to be able to set the
    base CDF for a particular symbol. If I take my time to do this, then the
    next release of the library will be back to standard, and I will have to
    start all over again.

    We have some symbols in-house that I sometimes add a couple of ILLabels
    on. These are always added to the effective CDF and are lost on the next
    icfb session. If I could save my modifications in a file that are
    reloaded on the next session it would be a great help because I don't
    need to keep a personal copy of company wide symbols. (Which is a bad
    thing as other users would like to be able to use my schematics)

    Kind regards,
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jan 10, 2005
  9. One thing you could do is to write some SKILL to add these labels to the
    symbols, and do it in "scratch" mode. i.e. open the symbols as follows:

    cv=dbOpenCellViewByType("analogLib" "nfet" "symbol" "schematicSymbol" "s")

    Then you can make the change in VM only.

    Alternatively you could build your own analogLib from our analogLib. This is
    probably what I'd do, and I'd make sure that I did it using SKILL, so that I
    could re-create the analogLib when a new release came along with the minimum
    of fuss.

    You could also contact customer support and ask us to put a couple more labels
    on each of the devices - I doubt whether any more than (say) 5 would be used
    by most people?


    Andrew Beckett, Jan 10, 2005
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