DBWorks or Agile

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by cschultz, Mar 15, 2005.

  1. cschultz

    cschultz Guest

    We are currently looking at DBWorks or Agile for implementing PDM/PLM
    capabilities. We also are looking to tie this into our JDEdwards

    Is anyone out there using one of these packages? What are the
    pros/cons of the package you are using?

    Any input would be appreciated.

    cschultz, Mar 15, 2005
  2. cschultz

    P. Guest

    There was a presentation at SWW about a product called StructureWorks.
    The guy who wrote it was there and had tied it into JDE. The presenter
    might be able to shine some light on JDE.
    P., Mar 16, 2005
  3. cschultz

    cschultz Guest

    Yep. Looking for pros/cons for DBWorks or Agile.

    We already have JDE. Trying to figure out how easy it is (if even
    possible) to tie them together.

    Thanks again for any help.
    cschultz, Mar 16, 2005
  4. cschultz

    Matt Feider Guest

    We use DBWorks and I am fairly experienced with PDMWorks, enough so that
    I know I really like DBWorks over it. But I have never used Agile. Send
    me an email and we can talk a bit more about my experiences with DBWorks.

    Other than that what exactly are you looking at. They are both fairly
    complex products just to give general impressions.

    --Matt 'mfeider <at> bigfoot <.dot.> com'
    Matt Feider, Mar 17, 2005
  5. cschultz

    Len K. Mar Guest


    Could you provide more information on what you mean by "tie" the
    programs together.

    ERP/PDM integration is a big complicated process depending on what you
    want to accomplish. Somethings are easier than other. Full integration
    is expensive but simpler semi-automated process would work depending
    on the number of item masters and BOMs you process on a weekly or
    monthly basis.

    What are the top 5 or 10 features that you want to see assuming either
    PDM system could do what you wish.

    If you could provide more detail I could tailor the answer to your
    specific requirements.


    Len K. Mar, P.Eng.
    E-data Solutions.
    Len K. Mar, Mar 17, 2005
  6. cschultz

    cschultz Guest

    Basically get information from DBWorks into JDE. Rev levels, mass (for
    shipping), and other things that we haven't really thought of yet.

    We aren't going to, as far as I know, go back and vault everything we
    have. It's more like, "we start HERE with a PDM system and enter old
    files as needed (ECNs)".

    Wish list:
    1) Organize files (I know this can be done)
    1a) "Easy" to learn.
    2) Notify people of ECNs for approval so hard copy packets aren't
    necessary. (I believe this is workflow in DBWorks.)
    3) People within our company can access the latest drawings only (PDF)
    4) Specified vendors can access our PDF, STL, IGS files as needed.
    5) Notify vendors when changes to parts have been made. This is
    helpful on tight timelines when working with people half way across the
    world. It could save a day or two.
    6) JDE could extract data to help minimize user input on that level.

    Thanks again for everone's advice and willingness to help.
    cschultz, Mar 17, 2005
  7. cschultz

    Len K. Mar Guest

    See comments below:

    What revision schema do you use and how do you number files?
    Relative term :)
    Workflow can be set up. You will need to purchase the DBWarm module in
    order to authenticate users and their rights/permissions.
    DBWorks has a new Master Document Mode that auto generates PDF's of SW
    drawings. You can write script to place approved documents where the
    ERP system can see them (item master). Better know what your doing
    here or you can get yourself in a world of hurt. Or you can decide ERP
    is for purchasing and have production just look at the DBWorks
    released database (shows major revisions only - minor revisions being
    worked on by engineering don't show up in production)
    Depends where you store them and at what stage. Might want to look at
    the getting the DBWorks Web product that allows vendor to look at
    specific folders and the files within them. Opens up whole bunch of
    other issues with respect to security and IP.
    Could set up DBWorks to send out emails to vendors when you check out
    a set of documents or change a set of documents.
    Use DBWorks BOM Wizard to create an intermediary file that is imported
    into JDE.
    Alternatively, you could write script to send BOM directly to JDE
    (Dangerous and I wouldn't advise it).

    I'd create an JDE user in DBworks that allows only that user to create
    a export BOM that JDE would accept. I'd then use standard import
    funcition in ERP system to import the file. Set up DBWorks to validate
    the BOM from ERP values prior to creating the ERP BOM for import -
    sounds more complicated than it is.

    Note - this is for a one time push of new items/boms into JDE.
    Its a whole other issue trying to maintain ERP/PDM integration of item
    masters controlled by the ERP system. ESPECIALLY ONCE YOU TOUCH THE

    Len K. Mar, Mar 17, 2005
  8. cschultz

    P. Guest

    A question about DBWorks. How does it store SW files?
    P., Mar 21, 2005
  9. cschultz

    ill Guest

    DBWorks does not have the traditional limitations typically associated with
    vaulted applications. Instead of using a vault, DBWorks enforces a
    repository. The DBWorks repository offers plenty of flexibility as well as
    scalability. Administrators with the appropriate authority can add and/or
    remove definitions used for the storage of physical files. This flexibility
    allows organizations to welcome structural changes when they happen while at
    the same time it also ensures data structure integrity. DBWorks can take
    advantage of advanced OS security (DBWServer supports ACLs) and does not
    encrypt or mangle document names. This eliminates the possibility of
    problems associated with the recovery of multiple parts or with software
    revision updates. For More information you can contact
    ill, Mar 22, 2005
  10. cschultz

    retnop Guest

    DBWorks does not have the traditional limitations typically associated with
    vaulted applications. Instead of using a vault, DBWorks enforces a
    repository. The DBWorks repository offers plenty of flexibility as well as
    scalability. Administrators with the appropriate authority can add and/or
    remove definitions used for the storage of physical files. This flexibility
    allows organizations to welcome structural changes when they happen while at
    the same time it also ensures data structure integrity. DBWorks can take
    advantage of advanced OS security (DBWServer supports ACLs) and does not
    encrypt or mangle document names. This eliminates the possibility of
    problems associated with the recovery of multiple parts or with software
    revision updates.
    retnop, Mar 22, 2005
  11. cschultz

    P. Guest

    Guess you 'll have to explain the difference between a repository and a
    vault. How does DBWorks maintain older versions of the same file?
    P., Mar 22, 2005
  12. cschultz

    P. Guest

    What is the difference between a repository and a vault? Where are the
    files stored?
    P., Mar 22, 2005
  13. cschultz

    retnop Guest

    You can save them where ever you want, normally you just pick a drive on
    your network i.e. S, and store the documents there..
    retnop, Mar 22, 2005
  14. cschultz

    P. Guest

    What is a repository and how is it different than a vault? If document
    names are not changed how does DBWorks handle revisions?
    P., Mar 22, 2005
  15. cschultz

    P. Guest

    What is the difference between a repository and a vault? If DBWorks
    doesn't change document names how does it store SW file of old
    P., Mar 22, 2005
  16. cschultz

    P. Guest

    So if I save a file anywhere it could be on my local machine. DBWorks would
    dutifully log it but nobody else could access it unless it was in a shared
    folder. It would seem that having files in a somewhat fixed location would
    be advantageous from the standpoint of backup which is what vaulting

    Conceptually what is a repository? Is it off limits to anything but DBWorks?
    Does it, must it or can it have a folder structure?

    Also, how then does DBWorks deal with revisions. Where are the old documents
    stored and how are they differentiated from the latest document? I have
    been reading the manuals and haven't quite figured this one out.

    One thing I'll say about DBWorks. Making the manuals available is so much
    better than the marketing blather on many of the other PDM sites including
    P., Mar 23, 2005
  17. cschultz

    Len K. Mar Guest


    The primary difference between a true vault and a repository
    (depending on whose definition you use)is the former encrypts the file
    with a proprietary format. The latter uses standard MS file locking
    techniques to control the file permissions. In the event of a
    catastrophic failure a system administrator could release your files
    to be worked on. This is not true of an encrypted system.

    In a typical shop - files are share either in common folders, local
    hard drives, etc.... Having a central repository where everyone works
    off of the latest version is a better idea. DBWorks just ensures
    everyone plays nice. This is especially true of projects that use
    shared files such as SW Toolbox and the infamous "Giant Screw" (pun

    Set up (Conceptual)- Shared installation - requires DBW Access Rights
    Manager (DBWarm) add-in.

    System administrator creates two user security groups: DBWDomain and
    DBWorks Power Users. A special user called DBWServerAdmin is also
    created (more on this latter).

    System adminstrator creates two mapped drives. The first (i.e.
    N:\DBWorks_Shared)has its permissions set to DBWDomain security group.
    The second mapped drive is the repository or vault (i.e. Z:\Secured
    A special batch file is run against this folder which assigns file
    locking permissions to DBWServerAdmin user. This is a one time

    DBWorks Adminstrator logs into DBWarm and assigns individual users
    various DBWorks permissions (i.e. Managers have a different set of
    tasks they can perform vs. junior engineers). Usually set up per
    departmental or functional groups. To work properly the user names
    need to map one-to-one with the NT domain login. (i.e.
    is my domain login - my DBWorks\DBWarm login
    is lmar as well)

    DBWorks Administrator opens up Category maker program and under tools
    sets the path to the secured storage area (i.e. Z:\Secured Files).
    This is a one time operation.

    System Administrator sets up each DBWorks client with a MS Service
    called DBWService. It is set up with the special user login called
    DBWServiceAdmin. During the client installation, DBWorks will ask you
    for the shared folder location (i.e. N:)

    I won't get into category maker but it basically determines your file
    folder structure (if you want one). You can classify a file when you
    save it which will autonumber the file and place it in a special
    folder within the "vault".
    As an example I have DBworks map the SW Toolbox Data folder to a
    special location and then have any files located within the folder or
    sub-folder as "no revsions). Toolbox files/configurations are mapped
    with a little red "X" within DBWorks and they are not revision

    Once system is set up (I've ommitted a few items) the system acts as
    follows: (I've turned on Dataentr.lst under environment)

    User starts up SW and turns on the DBWorks Add-in.
    DBWorks checks that your NT login matches your DBWarm login.
    User creates a new SW part and selects DBWorks save. User categorizes
    part file and dbworks issues new ID number and places file onto Z:
    drive (i.e. Z:\Secured Files\Parts\example\lentest.sldprt}. State is
    new (green square). If you were to look at the permissions on the file
    it would have DBWDomain and DBWServerAdmin. Note - you must go thrugh
    DBWorks Client in order to change permissions on a file.

    The first time someone checks out the file for exclusive control you
    bump up the revision. DBWorks checks to see that you have permission
    to check it out (red)(As determined by your DBWarm settings)and then
    uses the DBWServer service to reset permission of the file. Permission
    on the file will now show DBWDomain, DBWServerAdmin,and
    - everyone else opening the file will
    receive a read-only flag.

    Two additional files are created. __DBWUNCHK__PART1.SLDPRT and
    PART1.SLDPRT.___.gz at this time. They are placed in the same
    directory as the original PART1.SLDPRT file.
    The former is used if you need to uncheck out the file (decide not to
    make changes at this time) and the latter is the first revision file -
    it is a zipped .gz file. Thus, subsequent revsions will take on the
    file names
    PART1.SLDPRT.01.gz, PART1.SLDPRT.02.gz, PART1.SLDPRT.03.gz, etc...
    depending on your revision schema.

    Thus, as time goes on you will have a series of files that are
    automatically created that maintain the history of the design. You can
    go back to any previous revision and make it active. Note - this works
    for assemblies as well which shows you what revision of the parts were
    used for a particular assembly revison.

    Hope this helps.

    Len K. Mar, P.Eng.
    E-data Solutions
    Len K. Mar, Mar 23, 2005
  18. cschultz

    P. Guest


    I really appreciate you taking the time to go into this detail.

    A couple observations/questions from the viewpoint of someone who has
    used PDMWorks. PDMWorks, which is said to be vaulted actually just
    mangles the filename and puts the file into a directory with the name
    of the revision. There is no effort to compress the file to save space.
    DBW appears to use renaming and gzip to make a unique and SW
    non-accessible file. PDMWorks places copies of the SW files on the
    local machine. Does DBW bring the file directly into memory or does it
    make a local copy and then work with the file until it is checked in or
    the user is done working with it? In other words, if I check out or
    copy files can I leave them on my machine or take them home as
    P., Mar 23, 2005
  19. cschultz

    Len K. Mar Guest


    Your observations regarding the differences between PDMWorks and
    DBWorks is the clasic example of file folders vs. database PDM's.
    Simply stated: I can do more with an open sourced database PDM system
    than a file based system. I used and customized PDMWorks in a
    production environment for three years before switching to DBWorks.

    DBworks can work by either pulling the files directly from the
    repository on the file server (common) or you can set up DBworks to
    run in "local" mode where the files are copied to your local drive.
    Most companies pull the files directly from the server and dispense
    with having to copy the files locally.
    I must admit, I don't miss having to constantly check that my local
    drive matches the PDMWorks vault.

    DBworks also has a briefcase mode where you can check out files and
    zip them up. You can then send them home, work on the files, and then
    bring them back to work. File locking prevents your co-workers from
    altering the files until you check them back into the system. This is
    one area I have little experience with and I'll defer any futher
    explanation to someone who knows more.

    Another difference between PDMWorks and DBWorks is the open API of
    DBWorks. In order to program PDMWorks you need to purchase the
    Advanced Server. This gives you the API functions but you need to
    develop the code. DBWorks uses VBScript which anyone with basic
    programming skills can pick up fairly quickly. There are more than
    enough modules and example files to allow you to cut-and-paste new
    functions. You get this with the basic package.

    Hopes this helps.

    Len K. Mar, Mar 24, 2005
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