dbworks: how to move the whole archive tree?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gianni Rondinini, Jul 13, 2005.

  1. i hope --and think-- this is not off topic.

    for an unknown reason we're experiencing some problems with our file
    server and need to move the whole project/file tree to a different
    server to have the older one maintained and checked against faulty
    hardware [1].

    we already have a spare file server i can temporarily use for this.

    the problem is we actually have a network drive --"k:" for the willing
    to know-- mapped on the shared drive of that server but, for security
    reasons, i cannot map a network drive onto the spare server [2].

    i'm in the need to move a complete tree of directories and archives
    from a location --say, k:\archivio_cad-- to a different location --say
    \\server-office\ut\archivio_cad--, but don't know how to do it,
    because dbworks has a database which contains relations between
    documents, contains file directories and positions and a number of
    other informations.

    is there a way to do it?

    thank you in advance.


    [1] it happens that when rebooting server our raid system starts in
    degraded mode using 2 of 4 available disks and i have to rebuild it by
    hand every time.
    [2] which contains all our important msoffice files.
    twice a day new viruses come out and there's *always* some dumbass
    that can't resist the temptation to run some crappy attachment to
    silly emails running on the 'net; and no, i don't want to hog our
    cpu's with nav2005: i didn't pay an awful sum for p4-3g2 to run an
    it has already happened twice that a virus deleted all our .doc/.xls
    files from the mapped network drives and i had to spend a couple of
    nights to recover them, then i'm trying to stop using a mapped network
    drive, but still have the "k:" used by swx/dbwks
    Gianni Rondinini, Jul 13, 2005
  2. Gianni Rondinini

    lmar Guest


    This is my second attempt - Google kicked me out of the first reply.
    Back updatabase first.
    Copy the entire vault structure to your test server.
    Try the following on a single record first.

    Goto DBWorks menu.
    Select DBWorks Open for updating.
    Got to bottom right pane in standard Tree Grid
    Under any tab select the File D. column for a record.
    Select the
    "Replace column value for all selected rows in the list" button.
    (Bottom of Screen).
    Entire path will appear.
    Delete everything except the K:\
    In bottom text box insert \\

    every instance of K:\ in the file directory column will be replaced
    with \\.

    Thus, when you lose the mapped drive the single file should be pointing
    to the new vault location on the test file server.

    Repeat but make sure the Match Case check box is activated and "Replace
    All button is selected"

    When you are finished testing.... repoint the files back to your mapped
    drive by reversing the procedure.

    Len K. Mar, P.Eng.
    E-data Solutions
    lmar, Jul 14, 2005
  3. [...]

    thank you *very* much.
    i'll try this one of these evenings, after my colleagues has gone home
    --in case i have problems, i'll be able to restore everything without
    stopping people work...--.

    Gianni Rondinini, Jul 18, 2005
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