DBUperUU and avTech library

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by keylinme, May 25, 2005.

  1. keylinme

    keylinme Guest

    I am charged of integrity verification of a layout I didn't build.
    When I open the IC50 layout everything is fine.
    But when a coworker opens same layout read only some cells are
    This coworker also gets error about avTech not being found.

    I don't get either error on same data and same machine and same IC50.
    Running skill checks we think the DBUperUU is defaulting to ~/.cdsenv
    But what has that got to do with avTech library.
    We did not even start Assura yet.

    Where does DBUperUU come from and what has that to do with avTech?
    keylinme, May 25, 2005
  2. keylinme

    S. Badel Guest

    Running skill checks we think the DBUperUU is defaulting to ~/.cdsenv
    DBUPerUU in 5.0+ is looked for firt on the library properties, then in the
    ..cdsenv, then using the default of 1.0.
    If your library doesn't contain the DBUPerUU property, and you and your colleague
    have different values specified in .cdsenv then that would give different results.
    Figure out what is the correct DBUPerUU and add this property to the library.
    as a hint, it's usually 1000 for maskLayout and 160 for schematic and schematicSymbol.
    Nothing, as far as I know. My guess is that the complain comes from the cds.lib
    defining the avTech library, but the library cannot be found. You should inspect
    your colleague's setup.

    S. Badel, May 25, 2005
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