dbSet problem

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by tnk, Dec 5, 2004.

  1. tnk

    tnk Guest

    Hi all,
    I am trying to change my net names using dbSet but I got the error
    message that "dbSet: dbSetq: Can not set attribute - name". Is there
    any permission problem? Thanks in advance...

    tnk, Dec 5, 2004
  2. You cannot change a net name. You have to create a new, empty net and
    merge the old net into the new one. As I recall, you also have to update
    the pins and terminals if you want them to all have the same name. I am
    away from documentation today, but look for dbMergeNet. You do something
    like this, though I may have the parameter order backward:

    dbMergeNet(oldNet dbMakeNet(cvid "newName"))
    Diva Physical Verification, Dec 5, 2004
  3. tnk

    tnk11 Guest

    Thanks for the reply, seem like I manage to marge net but the problem
    is the name of the net changes from "|Frist_stage|bus(0)" to
    "First_stage|bus<0>" and shows a lot of error...such that "the pin
    should be on "|First_stage|bus(0)" but now on "First_stage|bus<0>" (
    The pipe is missing. ) and funny error like the pin should be on "gnd!"
    but now on "gnd!". Don't know what is happening... :(
    tnk11, Dec 8, 2004
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