DBMOD = 28 in first new drawing?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by mkaufhold, Nov 17, 2004.

  1. mkaufhold

    mkaufhold Guest

    When I start a new Acad session, I find that DBMOD is 28 in that very first new drawing (before I do anything at all). However, if I start another new drawing, and every in new drawing after that, DBMOD = 0. Anyone else ever had this happen, or have any clue as to what might cause it? Could it be something in my lisps that load with acad2005doc.lsp?

    I don't know how long it's been this way, I'm just now noticing it as I'm creating a routine that needs to look at DBMOD right away.

    Thanks in advance.
    mkaufhold, Nov 17, 2004
  2. mkaufhold

    BillZ Guest

    Must be something changing the drawing database.

    I've never loaded anything from the acad2005doc.lsp before.
    It's recommended to load your stuff form the Acaddoc.lsp or acad.lsp.

    From the help files:

    Indicates the drawing modification status using bitcode. The value is the sum of the following:

    1 Object database modified

    4 Database variable modified

    8 Window modified

    16 View modified

    32 Field modified

    The DBMOD value is reset to 0 when you save the drawing.
    BillZ, Nov 17, 2004
  3. mkaufhold

    mkaufhold Guest

    I just have "acad2005doc.lsp" and "acad2005.lsp". I searched and I don't find a plain old "acaddoc.lsp" or "acad.lsp" in my Autocad 2005 folders. I do see them in the Mechanical Desktop folders, but I don't think I can use those (correct me if I'm wrong though).

    I'm lost with the 28. Seems like it could be a number of different combinations of things. I guess I'll just try clearing out all my lisp routines that load at startup see if that fixes it, and then just add them back later. I'll post if I figure out what it is.

    mkaufhold, Nov 17, 2004
  4. mkaufhold

    mkaufhold Guest

    Well, I got rid of all the custom lisp routines and that didn't help. I unloaded custom menus, that didn't help. The only things I can think of that aren't back to their original versions or values are my acad.pgp file and all of my setting in Tools > Options. DBMOD is still 28 in that first drawing.

    I must be missing something. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. =)

    mkaufhold, Nov 17, 2004
  5. Off-topic

    Acad.lsp and AcadDoc.lsp are files for end-users. The Acad2005*.lsp files
    should not be modified by end-users. Autodesk might overwrite those two
    files without warning you. But Autodesk won't overwrite the Acad/AcadDoc.lsp

    If the two files don't exist in your user profile, simply create them.

    R. Robert Bell

    I just have "acad2005doc.lsp" and "acad2005.lsp". I searched and I don't
    find a plain old "acaddoc.lsp" or "acad.lsp" in my Autocad 2005 folders. I
    do see them in the Mechanical Desktop folders, but I don't think I can use
    those (correct me if I'm wrong though).

    I'm lost with the 28. Seems like it could be a number of different
    combinations of things. I guess I'll just try clearing out all my lisp
    routines that load at startup see if that fixes it, and then just add them
    back later. I'll post if I figure out what it is.

    R. Robert Bell, Nov 17, 2004
  6. Have you checked FIELDEVAL system variable?

    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator

    unloaded custom menus, that didn't help. The only things I can think of that
    aren't back to their original versions or values are my acad.pgp file and
    all of my setting in Tools > Options. DBMOD is still 28 in that first
    Jason Piercey, Nov 17, 2004
  7. Well, these 3 things are what's happing:

    4 Database variable modified
    8 Window modified
    16 View modified

    My vanilla profile for vanilla AutoCAD leaves DbMod=0 on the first drawing,
    but then, I'm not doing any zooms either.

    Acad.pgp won't have any affect. Are you loading any VBA or ARX apps
    automatically? Is this vanilla AutoCAD, or MDT's vanilla profile?

    R. Robert Bell

    Well, I got rid of all the custom lisp routines and that didn't help. I
    unloaded custom menus, that didn't help. The only things I can think of that
    aren't back to their original versions or values are my acad.pgp file and
    all of my setting in Tools > Options. DBMOD is still 28 in that first

    I must be missing something. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    R. Robert Bell, Nov 17, 2004
  8. Might also look at the UPDATETHUMBNAIL
    system variable. Just guessing.

    Autodesk Discussion Group Facilitator

    unloaded custom menus, that didn't help. The only things I can think of that
    aren't back to their original versions or values are my acad.pgp file and
    all of my setting in Tools > Options. DBMOD is still 28 in that first
    Jason Piercey, Nov 17, 2004
  9. mkaufhold

    Josh Guest

    Ya know, I had a problem like this once that, as far as I could tell, had to
    do with the Properties window "opening" when AutoCAD 2000i started. Haven't
    had that issue in 2002. Maybe that could explain the 8 & 16 codes?
    Josh, Nov 17, 2004
  10. mkaufhold

    Matt W Guest

    Personally, I use an ACAD.lsp file for my custom startup functions.
    At the beginning I add this line: (acad-push-dbmod)
    Then I load whatever needs to be loaded as well as force some system
    variable changes.
    Then, after all that is done, I have this line: (acad-pop-dbmod)

    This keeps DBMOD at 0.
    Matt W, Nov 17, 2004
  11. My Properties palette is docked outside of AutoCAD's window, so that may be
    it. I dunno.

    R. Robert Bell

    Ya know, I had a problem like this once that, as far as I could tell, had to
    do with the Properties window "opening" when AutoCAD 2000i started. Haven't
    had that issue in 2002. Maybe that could explain the 8 & 16 codes?
    R. Robert Bell, Nov 17, 2004
  12. mkaufhold

    mkaufhold Guest

    FIELDEVAL is set at 31.
    UPDATETHUMBNAIL is set at 15.

    And I don't have the properties box or any other windows coming up when I start...

    I looked at all this on another computer here at work. DBMOD is 0 in the first new drawing and all new drawings after. Those values are the same on that computer too...
    mkaufhold, Nov 17, 2004
  13. mkaufhold

    Doug Broad Guest

    (findfile "acad.lsp")

    (findfile "acaddoc.lsp")

    What do they return at the command line?

    drawing and all new drawings after. Those values are the same on that computer too...
    Doug Broad, Nov 17, 2004
  14. mkaufhold

    Doug Broad Guest

    And do you have an acad.dvb or embeded project in your files?
    IOW, check your appload section for startup suite actions.
    Doug Broad, Nov 17, 2004
  15. mkaufhold

    mkaufhold Guest

    No .dvb files, and like I said, only the very first new drawing has the value at 28. After that, new drawings are at 0.

    Appload shows nothing but Acad, Express Tools and Mechanical Desktop stuff. Nothing in startup suite. And everything is the same on the first new drawing and all after.
    mkaufhold, Nov 17, 2004
  16. mkaufhold

    Ian A. White Guest

    There are two other ways programs can load and automatically do things.

    The one is via ACAD.RX (for ARX files).

    The other is via the registry.

    If it only happens with the first drawing and you do not have ACAD.LSP
    set to load for every drawing, then the culprit is one of the following


    If you are loading ACAD.LSP with every drawing in a session, then it is
    either ACAD.RX or the Registry.

    After the first drawing loads, what does your text screen show?
    Ian A. White, Nov 18, 2004
  17. mkaufhold

    mkaufhold Guest

    I'm still confused here, but I've noticed something just now. When I start AutoCAD and the first new drawing comes up maximized (the actual drawing window itself), DBMOD shows 28. If I start AutoCAD and the drawing window does not fully maximize itself, DBMOD is 0. I guess it depends on how I close my last AutoCAD session as to how the new one comes up, but that is definitely doing it (or has something to do with it).

    After first drawing load, text screen shows:

    Regenerating layout.
    AutoCAD Express Tools Copyright © 2002-2004 Autodesk, Inc.
    AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.
    mkaufhold, Nov 18, 2004
  18. mkaufhold

    Owen Wengerd Guest

    That happens when AutoCAD resizes the document window. It's a strange
    design, resizing the window *after* the document is opened, but I guess
    that's why they get paid the big bucks. It only happens when the AutoCAD
    window and the document window were closed in a maximized state. :)
    Owen Wengerd, Nov 19, 2004
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