dbconnect and autocad

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Erik Shearn, Jan 7, 2004.

  1. Erik Shearn

    Erik Shearn Guest

    I need to talk to someone about a routine that will scan the database,
    select items based on (user input) ie department name and change all
    selections to defined layer.

    Currently we are manually selecting database objects based on criteria in
    the database then changing the properties to the correct layer in autocad

    An example:

    Our drawings are referencing a database that keeps track of personnel,
    departments, etc. Our Drawings have layers set up for each department and
    all the database objects are displayed on the appropriate layer. Then the
    "enduser" accesses the database and make personnel changes. Now we must
    manually change the layer if the person has moved departments. Is there a
    way to call the database object > select all > and change property (layer
    value) automatically each time the database is reloaded.
    Erik Shearn, Jan 7, 2004
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