Datum Points in solid works??

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Shaun T, Aug 10, 2004.

  1. Shaun T

    Shaun T Guest

    I am a good Pro E user, I have been thrown into a project using solid
    works, I was wondering if anyone knew if solid works can make a datum
    point like proE, I found the place it should be, by clicking insert,
    then reference geometry, but there is no point please help??
    Shaun T, Aug 10, 2004
  2. Shaun T

    Arlin Guest

    What version of SWX are you using? I think they added the reference
    point feature in 2004.

    Also (in earlier versions), you can use a 3d (or 2d) sketch to place a
    sketch point. That sketch point can later be referenced by other
    Arlin, Aug 10, 2004
  3. I don't know what is meant by Datum Point in ProE, but for creating Datum
    Target area or edge you can add an annotation and locate it on the surface
    or edge. You can also add a Datum Reference like Datum A and Datum B for
    GDT but both of these are annotations. If you go to insert>annotations>...
    Check the help to see if this is what you are after. Then let us know for
    curiosity sake.

    Corey Scheich
    Corey Scheich, Aug 10, 2004
  4. Shaun T

    P. Guest

    Not all Pro/E habits will be effective in SW. This may be one of them.

    What is it you are trying to accomplish?

    If you really need a point in space use a 3D sketch point. If you need a
    CSYS in space create a sketch plane with the origin at the point you want
    and create a coordinate system.
    P., Aug 11, 2004
  5. Shaun T

    Shaun T Guest

    sorry let me rephrase my question

    I need to create a point, that can be used to reference features, In
    ProE we use datum planes, axis, points, along with coordinate systems,
    and curves. In solid works it appears that the only reference tool are
    plane and axis.
    Shaun T, Aug 12, 2004
  6. There are several "references" that can be used. The main method is to
    reference other features/parts. Another is to put construction sketches in
    and then reference them.

    If the "point" you want is a certain point in space, put in a sketch with a
    point dimensioned to that position. If you really just need the "point" to
    be relative to a previous feature, reference the new feature directly from
    the previous one.

    Wayne Tiffany, Aug 12, 2004
  7. Shaun,

    Further in SW 2004 you do have reference points I presume that you are using
    an earlier version. In this case you can insert a 3D sketch if a 2D sketch
    isn't adequate and you can put a point in any location in a 3D sketch if it
    isn't constrained to anything you can even type in the XYZ coords.

    Corey Scheich, Aug 12, 2004
  8. Shaun T

    P Guest


    I will reiterate that some Pro/E habits/techniques may not be the most
    ideal in SW. This may be one of them. I would be good to know what you
    are trying to accomplish in a little broader terms. Sometimes
    terminology can be a blockage to getting things done.

    Points that can be used to reference other features have been avaiable
    in SW for many releases. Does the point you are creating have to be
    related to other features in some way? If so how.

    Here are the options for creating points in space (that can be

    1. Create a reference plane. Put a sketch on it consisting of one
    2. Use a 3D sketch and locate a single point dimensionaly from other
    3. Use the reference point feature in SW2004.

    Is there some reason these don't suit your purposes?
    P, Aug 13, 2004
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