datum plane creation puzzle

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by jellyroll, Dec 1, 2006.

  1. jellyroll

    jellyroll Guest

    I need to create a datum plane normal to a curve in 3d space,
    e.g. not a plane curve, through a point not on that curve.
    Pro/E WF2 Foundation will not allow the point to be picked
    to create the plane.

    Does anyone have a method to share?

    jellyroll, Dec 1, 2006
  2. jellyroll

    David Janes Guest

    Let's say you have a curve with a point on it (ratio or actual length,
    shouldn't matter). Pick the point first, datum should lock to the point;
    hold down CRTL and pick the curve second ~ the datum should orient normal to
    the curve. You may have to pick in a drop down box to set it normal, but
    that option should be available. Works that way in WF3, anyway and I can't
    remember it working differently in earlier versions.

    David Janes
    David Janes, Dec 1, 2006
  3. jellyroll

    Jeff Howard Guest

    I need to create a datum plane normal to a curve ...

    For a case where the curve is simple enough or the
    point close enough ...

    Create a line using your reference point (more or
    less, it's not critical) parallel to your reference

    Sweep a line between the refererence curve and
    newly created line with a normal to origin Variable
    Section Sweep using the reference curve for Origin
    and line as Chain 1.

    One edge of the resulting surface will be perpendicular
    to the reference curve and the appropriate vertex can
    be used to create the nrml to crv, thru pt plane.
    Jeff Howard, Dec 1, 2006
  4. jellyroll

    jellyroll Guest

    A Variable Section Sweep worked. Thank you.
    jellyroll, Dec 2, 2006
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