Dates and Custom Props

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by tabrake, Aug 15, 2005.

  1. tabrake

    tabrake Guest

    Hey All:

    I'll start by saying that I'm pretty familiar with solidworks custom

    I'm revamping our formats, and I wasn't the original author.

    In the "date" space, they've been using the "SW-Short Date" property.
    This does the job in the short term, but as someone pointed out last
    week, it changes every time the drawing is edited.

    So, a two-year old drawing will then show today's date in the title
    block instead of the original date, which isn't desirable.

    There are other date props inherent in solidworks, but they are all in
    the long format and there's no room for this.

    Ideally, I'd like this date to either be driven off the model by a
    short form of the "date of creation", or to have it pop in the date the
    drawing is created and then retain this date indefinately.

    One of the old timers swears it used to work this way but unless this
    property is hidden I think he must be mistaken.

    Anyone know of an automagic way of making this happen?

    If not I'm going to create a "DATE" property and just link to this.

    Any other suggestions?

    tabrake, Aug 15, 2005
  2. tabrake

    pete Guest

    That is what I use, (a custom Date property linked to the part or assembly
    document), I use the "SW-Short Date" for the print out date, this ensures
    that they are using a drawing printout "batch", from around the same time.
    pete, Aug 16, 2005
  3. tabrake

    matt Guest

    I have a macro hooked up to a hotkey that updates the date property when
    I choose at the push of a button.

    matt, Aug 16, 2005
  4. tabrake

    Seth Renigar Guest


    But doing this will cause the date to always be the current date. I use
    header/footers in the drawing template to show when the drawing is actually
    printed (PRINTED &[date] AT &[time]).

    I believe what tabrake wants is for it to insert the date the drawing was
    created and never change. I have not found a way to do this with a custom
    property either. However, if you insert a note into your drawing template,
    with SW2005, you can link to the created date in short date format (wasn't
    available in SW2004).

    You could link a note in the part/assembly template if you wanted to do the
    same thing. But it would simply be a note. Not very useful for anything.
    Seth Renigar, Aug 16, 2005
  5. tabrake

    stevenr Guest

    CustomPropertyManager from Kent Contract Services
    ( has a "Created Date" function that will do
    exactly what you want....adds the date the drawing was created, and it
    stays put.
    stevenr, Aug 16, 2005
  6. tabrake

    tabrake Guest


    Now yer talkin'.

    I figured that SWX didn't have this built in yet, so a macro is the
    next best thing.

    I don't suppose that you'd be willing to help a brother out by emailing
    it to me?


    tabrake, Aug 16, 2005
  7. tabrake

    stevenr Guest

    You'll have to go see his web site....
    stevenr, Aug 16, 2005
  8. tabrake

    tabrake Guest

    Hi Steve:

    Thanks for the suggestion. I think I've checked out the Kent tool at
    one point.

    I like these tools -- much better for entering in props than SWX. I
    tried to get the one from NH cad in use at the last place I worked, as
    they were using design tables for entering in all the prop info. They
    were convinced that it couldn't be done without it, even though I
    proved it wasn't necessary...

    Anyway, here I probably have the ability to make that happen, but with
    baby steps. Our company was just bought out, added 20 people to a 5
    person engineering group, and so I'm trying to make small, effective
    changes. Automating the creation of drawings is job 1.


    tabrake, Aug 16, 2005
  9. tabrake

    tabrake Guest


    Sorry, I'm a bit slow this morning -- whose website? Matt's? Got a

    tabrake, Aug 16, 2005
  10. tabrake

    matt Guest

    Sorry, here's the link:

    Follow the "macro library" link, it is called "date", oddly enough, in
    the drawings section at the bottom.

    matt, Aug 16, 2005
  11. tabrake

    TODD Guest

    Beautiful. That's exactly what I want.

    Hopefully, if we ever get to using 2005 the rumors of an automagic
    built-in date are true. In the meantime, this will work well.


    TODD, Aug 16, 2005
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