DataCAD to AutoCAD

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Paul Richardson, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. Any of you program DataCAD also?
    My files are in DataCAD 10 format
    and all objects exports fine to dxf except
    the text objects which are needed. No
    error when importing the dxf to AutoCAD
    the text just doesn't show up.

    If interested I will send you the file,
    and gladly pay for the code.

    Paul Richardson, Apr 5, 2005
  2. Hi Paul,

    If the files are not in binary format we may be able to do this. Do you
    have any documentation on their format?

    Can you tell us a little more about DataCAD and specify exactly what you

    Write directly to me at the address you can get from our web site.



    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Apr 5, 2005
  3. Paul Richardson

    bcoward Guest


    Try this..

    Change any of the following fonts to something else.


    Check also to be sure that dashed, dot-dash, and dotted lines transfer.

    Good luck,

    Bob Coward
    CADS, Inc

    bcoward, Apr 7, 2005
  4. Paul Richardson

    Darcy Guest

    I have similar problems exporting from SoftPlan. The text comes in with the
    rotation in degrees. So If I proces the DXF ile and convert the rotations to
    radians the text comes in right.

    Not that this solves your problems
    Darcy, Apr 8, 2005
  5. Thanks Guys. Couldn't get it to work.
    Ended up exporting the values in Data
    CAD to a database then writing the text
    to the proper pline in AutoCAD.

    Just a tempory work around, until Data
    CAD is phased out. Soon...
    Paul Richardson, Apr 8, 2005
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