Database Warnings & Errors in Virtuoso when opening layout

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by I-F AB, Oct 9, 2009.

  1. I-F AB

    I-F AB Guest

    A colleague of mine has some weird experience when running Virtuoso.
    We are using version: icfb.exe version 5.1.0 08/19/2008 01:12
    (cicln04) $

    1) After flattening one of the sub-blocks, it hung and suddenly just
    crashed. The layout cannot be opened at all.
    'panic.log' is created but it is empty.
    My colleague can't remember whether she had a layout of the sub-block
    she was flattening open in a different window.
    *WARNING* couldn't build VM tables -- purging /home0/nieva/workspace/
    *WARNING* dbOpenCellViewByType: Failed to open cellView (HD_LED_top
    layout2) from lib (TEST). Uninitialized XX error! Seek Help!
    *WARNING* Data trigger for viewType maskLayout failed.
    Could this be due to Virtual Memory limitations on our system?
    '' , 'layout.cdb' , 'master.tag' , 'pc.db' files aren't
    empty (but I don't know how to check the .cdb binary database file).
    We're still stuck with this problem.

    This next one is also baffling but we kinda 'fixed' it.

    2) Whenever opening this particular library/layout (I didn't manage to
    establish if the library or the top cell layout was the problem) :
    LED_DRIVER_for2p28x3p30/top, the following log gets printed:
    Loading le.cxt
    Loading subx.cxt
    Error (gdmIfsFileStatus): DM system produced an error when getting
    status info for path "/home0/nieva/workspace/projects/XFAB/work/
    Error (gdmiIfsReportSvrErrMsg): DM system error message:"Can't locate
    WA path for path (/home0/nieva/workspace/projects/XFAB/work/
    Error (gdmiIfsExpandAndStatus): DM system produced an error when
    expanding and collecting status on path "/home0/nieva/workspace/
    Error (gdmiIfsReportSvrErrMsg): DM system error message:"Can't locate
    WA path for path (/home0/nieva/workspace/projects/XFAB/work/
    Loading layers.cxt
    Loading alvs.cxt

    This ERROR message only comes up when she opens this library/layout
    first. If she opens a different library first after login before
    opening this problematic library/layout, the ERROR message doesn't
    turn up. It is not known how this affects our work.

    The workaround:

    Concerned that the ERROR might lead to catastrophic consequences later
    on, we tried to debug the problem.
    I asked her to copy the library to LED_DRIVER_for2p28x3p30_2 thinking
    that whatever path problem might be fixed when creating a new library.

    When we restarted Virtuoso, opening the new library didn't create
    problems, so I told her we could delete the original & rename/copy our
    backup library to LED_DRIVER_for2p28x3p30.
    However, she pointed out that I forgot to ask her to copy
    hierarchically using the 'Update All Cells'.
    So just as a precautionary measure, she logged out first & after
    logging in, started Virtuoso. This time, the original library/layout
    didn't cause the ERROR messages to appear when it is opened first.

    I'm just assuming that copying to the new library must have caused a
    Work Area path to be updated.

    Best regards,
    I-F AB, Oct 9, 2009
  2. I-F AB wrote, on 10/09/09 04:27:
    You should contact Cadence Customer Support about these issues.


    Andrew Beckett, Nov 3, 2009
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