Hi every body, I seek good ideas for an application which I develop : - i have a window displaying a group of records from a ms access database - I want to link a record that I choose (or a group of of records ) with an object (or several autocad objects) - I want to create a data base of project which filled of the recordings linked to the autocad objects. - my data base of project would be filled by recordings related to objects of VARIOUS DWG files. - if in autocad, I make a copy of a cad object linked, automatically there would be a new addition record in my date base of project and if I remove it, of course, it would be removed from the data base of the project - it should be also also possible that i can select an autocad object, just by selecting the associated record (linked) and vice versa. If you have any idea helping me (i don't want use dbconnect), I appreciate very well thank you