database ID of most recently drawn shape

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by SS, Apr 25, 2006.

  1. SS

    SS Guest

    Hi All,

    Is there a way to get the database ID of the most recently (last) drawn
    shape in a cellview.

    SS, Apr 25, 2006
  2. Not commented, I'm pretty busy, but something like this
    could do it.

    procedure( dbcmp( S_arg1 S_arg2 )
    alphaNumCmp( sprintf( nil "%s" S_arg1 ) sprintf( nil "%s" S_arg2 ) )

    let( (

    d_cvId = geGetEditCellView( )

    foreach( d_shape d_cvId~>shapes
    l_shapeList = cons( d_shape l_shapeList )

    sort( l_shapeList 'dbcmp )
    d_mostRecentShape = car( l_shapeList )

    Bernd Fischer, Apr 25, 2006
  3. SS

    SS Guest

    thanks Bernd

    SS, Apr 25, 2006
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