Database copy

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Shankar, May 24, 2006.

  1. Shankar

    Shankar Guest

    I wanted to copy selected objects using a SKILL script. However new
    copied objects does not have the pin properties. Can you tell me how to
    copy objects with its properties in SKILL

    Shankar, May 24, 2006
  2. Shankar

    S. Badel Guest

    It is not a matter of properties. You should test wether the shape is associated with a pin and if
    yes, create the pin in the destination cellview.

    newFig = dbCopyFig(fig cv2 list(0:0 "R0"))

    let( (
    (term dbFindTermByName(cv2 fig~>pin~>term~>name))
    (net dbMakeNet(cv2 fig~>pin~>term~>net~>name))

    ;; create the terminal if needed
    unless( term term=dbCreateTerm(net fig~>pin~>term~>name fig~>pin~>term~>direction) )

    ;; create pin
    dbCreatePin( net newFig )
    ) ; let
    ) ; when

    hope this helps

    S. Badel, May 24, 2006
  3. Shankar

    Shankar Guest

    Thanks for your help stephane

    Shankar, May 24, 2006
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