Data Decoding at 10 Gbit/s

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Martin Schimmelpfennig, Dec 21, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    I would like to design a 16 channel SERDES ASIC in 0.13µm running at 10
    Gbit/s per channel. For transmission a standard 8B/10B is to be applied. My
    concern is now how to achieve real-time decoding of the 8B/10B transmission
    code at 10 Gbit/s with that technology? Can that easily be achieved? What is
    state-of-the-art? As far as I know the 8B/10B decoding cannot be down by a
    simple lookup table because the corresponding code words depend on the
    running disparity of the previous transmitted data and there is no simple
    1-on-1 mapping.
    Since the 8B/10B coding is a self-synchronizing (?) code (i.e. the clock can
    be retrieved from the transmitted data) I would have to use a kind of clock
    recovery at my SERDES input. Another question would be if a PLL at the input
    is advisable or even feasible at data rates of 10 Gbit/s.

    I would be very thankful if some of you could give me a hint.

    Best Regards

    Martin Schimmelpfennig, Dec 21, 2005
  2. Vitesse is certainly achieving >10Gbit/s in 0.13um - ISTR that they
    also have done 12.5Gbit/s. They have chips doing 10Gbit/s SERDES for
    at least 2 years now, but as far as I remember, this is only 1-4
    channels per chip. YMMV.
    It's only a 1GHz encoding/decoding rate (parallel datarate), so I
    don't see why it should be a problem. Again, Some/all of Vitesse
    10Gbit/s chips implement 8B/10B.

    Disclaimer: I don't work Vitesse (any more).

    Kai Harrekilde-Petersen, Dec 21, 2005
  3. Joseph...dismissed!

    Melanie Nasic, Jan 2, 2006
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