Dassault delisting with SEC

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Oct 1, 2008.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    TOP, Oct 1, 2008
  2. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I would take it that subscriptions are a big part of SW revenue stream
    from this SEC posting.

    SolidWorks seems to be treated as a little brother mainly to penetrate
    the 2D market. That is kind of old.

    They also seem to be saying SW is a means or entry to other Dassault
    brands. I haven't really seen that happening except for 3DVia


    From http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/1016118/000104746908004103/a2184159z20-f.htm#page_bg17302_1_4

    We have a resilient financial model, with a high level of
    recurring revenue. For 2007, recurring revenue represented 60% of our
    total software revenue, with total software revenue accounting for 84%
    of our total revenue. This high level of recurring revenue contributes
    to the resiliency of our business, enabling us to continue to invest
    in critical resources.


    We believe there are a number of opportunities to continue to grow our
    business, including:

    Win new accounts: Leverage each brand's excellence to win new
    accounts. Each of our brands can win new customers and each brand can
    be an entry point for our other brands.

    Solution selling: Provide customers integrated PLM solutions for
    a broad number of users within an enterprise and throughout the supply
    chain and spanning design, simulation, collaboration and digital
    manufacturing. Solution selling thus enables our customers to increase
    their productivity benefits beyond what they would have achieved
    through a stand-alone purchase. We are also extending our presence in
    the supply chain as original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) seek to
    better integrate design and manufacturing through collaborating more
    closely with their suppliers and as suppliers move to increase their
    innovation and profitability through standardizing on the same PLM
    solution. Our PLM solutions are suited to a broad range of supply
    chain participants, since they have been designed to address the needs
    of large-, medium- and small-size businesses.

    Extend the use of 3D technology to new users: Expand 3D
    penetration among the 2D users' community, with our SolidWorks brand
    as a key driver of 2D to 3D migration, and more broadly extend the
    value of 3D to new users, businesses and consumers, including with our
    newest brand, 3DVIA.

    Expand indirect sales channels: Enhance our indirect sales
    channels to increase our penetration of small and medium business
    enterprises and emerging markets. An important driver of our growth
    has been our indirect sales channels. In the Mainstream 3D market we
    have been investing in our SolidWorks indirect distribution network
    and these efforts have enhanced our sales results. Similarly, in the
    PLM market, we have been strengthening our indirect channels, and in
    January 2007 we modified our agreement with IBM to take responsibility
    for the indirect PLM Value sales channel to enhance our market
    penetration and market share with small- and medium-size companies.

    Expand our total addressable market: Expand our addressable
    market towards new industries, new software markets and new types of
    users. Both our product development and acquisition strategies have
    been key drivers of the expansion of our addressable markets.
    TOP, Oct 1, 2008
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