Dao object and vb.net

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by GPaolo, May 3, 2004.

  1. GPaolo

    GPaolo Guest

    I have write an application that read some information from autocad and any
    time write a new Access database using DAO object in VB6.
    Now I want translate all my job in VB.NeT but don't find the way to create
    a new database Access Using ADO.NET object.
    I want tha all my application use only :net Tecnology because i want use the
    XCopy distribution.
    I have see that with VB6 My in-process application is very fast but with
    Interop is very Slow.
    Someone Know ,in VB.Net,what i can use top make a preview (the old is
    MAny thank's
    GPaolo, May 3, 2004
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