DAO database in R2004

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Laurie Comerford, Jul 4, 2003.

  1. Hi,

    I have a program written for Land Desktop R3 which uses the MS 3.51 database

    After moving the program to Land Desktop R2004 and changing the normal Land
    Libraries I found the program would run on some of our test computers and
    not on others.

    Eventually I changed the MS library to the 3.60 version which is available
    of Win 2000 where our software is tested.


    Is it normal to have to change the MS Library in programming for R2004 ?

    Will I need to distribute this library file with the program in case it is
    not available on other Windows O/Ss ?


    Laurie Comerford
    CADApps Australia

    Laurie Comerford, Jul 4, 2003
  2. Could be an MDAC issue on some of the computers, or an MS JET related

    I did not have to change the dll version when moving to 2004 (but I'm using
    ADO 2.7 and Jet 4.0)
    Don't know about DAO though.

    There is actually no need to distribute the DAO.DLL cause it comes with all
    Win OS's (I think)
    But you can't be sure if it's the same version you're using, so you should
    always include it.
    The installer should replace it if your version is a newer one.
    Jorge Jimenez, Jul 5, 2003
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